Feb 16, 2002 14:28
well yesterday my baby drug me to the movie crossroads. and it was ok but britany cant act. i could cry better then that. but anyways people like to talk during the whole movie and ruin it for other. so i was just going to stand up and scream fuck you azzhoes. lol. that would be sweet. but after the movie we went to get the buick some petro. 14 fucking dollars.... he was fucking thirsty. but then we went to see some of bris friends. they wernt there. went to meijer. ummmmm no i didnt. lol. went to my house. almost slept. seen briannes name online at 11 got scared almost killed myself. but didnt. got out of bed drove my baby home. went to the bell scored food. almost didnt have enough energy to eat it but did. chillin in the table chair while i typed some words to friends went to bed at 2 didnt get up till like 11. went to get food at arbys. ate it. sitting here typing in my journal. people are getting bored im not. people probably are laughing right now... im not. people are doing fun stuff right now..... im not. im going to slims house right now..... your not!!!!!