Dec 07, 2006 18:35
Warning rant ahead.....
So you work hard all do everything you write your final...a couple weeks later you get your grade. You hoped for a certain grade but you find out you didn't make it. You say to yourself "well there's nothing I can do about it's not that bad a grade either way" and you carry on with life. Why then now when I have the option to not write a final...walk away with no penalties....just the grade weighted out of 70% instead I can't help but think "maybe if I go I'll get the grade I want?"
Here....I'll fill in the gaps. I'm taking Ornithology this semester (the study of birds, but not a bird course). I really wanted to get a good grade....a 75% or an 80% would have made me happy. We have an optional final. If I walk away right now I have a 70% in the class....not a bad grade considering everything....but I keep debating going to the exam. Now the thing is, if I don't go...I get a 70%...but if I do go it can go up....but to keep that 70% I need atleast a 71.9, so 72% on the final. To got up even one percentage I would have to get a 75%....I don't think I can pull that off. In fact I figured it order to get the 80% I would like in this course I would need to get 105% on the final. Not gonna happen.
So normally if it were end of December and I'm checking my grades I'd be like "oh 70%...that's ok I guess...gotta live with it" but right now I can't deal with it (even knowing I'd need 105%)...I really want that 80%! *sigh* and having another final only a few hours earlier worth 55% there's no way I would get enough studying done to get that 105%....