Jun 26, 2007 19:51
So Michael was right. Again. Haha, it's true I haven't posted in almost a month and I used to be pretty good about updating this thing. Let's see...
I've been working a whole bunch. Split between Zoe's and Shaw's. It's nice working at Zoe's, I love it there. Shaws, eh, not so much.
Not much has changed. I still see Josh every couple of weeks. He came up last week and we had a really, really awesome conversation. Long, revealing, personal conversation made short, I feel great about what we have done, and what we've yet to do. I had no idea he had most of the same fears about life, intimacy, etc, as I did. I know we're in this for the right reasons, and I honestly love him more than ever. "Ah-ha" moments are the best. We walked away feeling good, emotionally "naked" and happy. We pretty much bared our souls and deep secrets to each other, him more so than I, and it felt good. I already got most of my baggage out of the way a long time ago.
I feel more comfortable talking to him about private things now. I know he's not going to judge me, because he's been in similar situations and he knows where I'm coming from, and loves me anyway. Ya know, that really is the best feeling in the world. Knowing that someone loves you unconditionally, regardless of your figure flaws, personality quicks and irritating behaviors. I'm happy to say that yes, despite the curves, sarcasm and unintentional extensive planning of little things, he still loves me. YAY.
What else is new? Family is still family, work is still work, and school is still school. I think I'm sticking with becoming an English teacher rather than going into journalism. Well, that's sort of a lie. I'll always be a writer, until the day my hands are crippled or chopped off, but I want to be an English teacher to instill the love of writing in the next generation. Christ, did that sound like a pageant queen answer or what? I'll have a double minor in journalism and theater, so that will be helpful. Teach the kids about all sorts of lovely things.
So speaking of pageants, I was asked to judge one in maine next month, but I can't do it because I won't drive 6 hours to do so. I just can't. My body physically couldn't do it, I'd fall asleep after the 2nd hour. I still miss pageants, so, so much. I'll always love them, and these past months have reminded me why I love them so much. If anyone wants to compete, please let me know. I'd love to help. I'm much to short and curvy to actually win anymore. Being this size was cute when you're 10, 14, 16 even...at almost 20? Not so much...regardless, I love them anyways.
OH! If people haven't figured it out yet, I live with my dad. 899-1063 if you need to reach me for some reason and can't get me on my cell. What else? Well, I'm ready to go back to school, that's for damn sure. I miss it so much, y'all have no idea.
All in all, life is...life is good. It's a terribly boring word, but it's a good way- whoops, there I go again, to describe life these days. I have a bad job, but amazing friends, half of my family is amazing, and the other half is, well, less than amazing. I live alone half the time when my dad's in NY- mom calculated it out, he's gone 44% of the time. That gets lonely, but when everyone is here, I get overwhelmed quite easily.
Hmm. I'm done.
Love to you all