(no subject)

Mar 29, 2010 19:29

I have been around so many great foodies this trip. I've been cheating some on my dietary rules, but mostly by not getting enough beef, still, I've only had to take painkillers twice since leaving Vancouver. Last night there was a great potluck with bbq grilled food and lots of veggies and all sorts of yummy things and home made ice cream and two kinds of homemade soup. There was great food for our party (someone spent the afternoon making cream of garlic soup!), I went for fabulous Thai on Grand, a friend is having me over for roast chicken tomorrow and I am trying to hook up with another friend who wants to have me over for dinner. Lots of home cooked food, yummy! I feel so lucky! CS also makes us delicious breakfasts or dinners. She is such an incredible cook.

I think there is something weird going on with my mind-body connection. Several times in the last year I have set up dates to be pierced and each time I have had a flare on the day of the date. This makes me wonder if I'm doing something to initiate the flare in my nervousness about the needles. I have cancelled before cause flares are super distracting and painful in a sexy part of my body and most of my dates were intended to be sexy dates. This most recent time the flare was mild and I was excited to going to go through with it after taking a painkiller cause I wasn't doing the piercing for sexy reasons, but I'm wondering what it is my body is trying to tell me or if I'm self-sabotaging earlier in the week and that causes the flare or if it is all just some coincidence. I didn't end up getting pierced so I don't have any answers about what following through would be like.

I have two dates set up so far. One with one of my favorite masochists and one with another friend who is also lots of fun. There is this jungle gym here near the lake that I really want to have sex on/with. There's a statue nearby that is also inspiring. Still looking for a playmate for that. There are areas that just scream, "this would make for great outdoor sex".

Went hiking on Friday last and had a fabulous time. Lots of reconnoitering in parking lots and by the side of the road, but everyone was laughing and mellow and funny and then I got to be fully inside a giant tree with a bunch of folks, sit in a meadow filled with yellow flowers in the sun with wonderful new to me beings and wonderful old friends. Kale came, too! It was incredibly wonderful to watch his bounce and grin and laugh and feel such bubbling love. The atmosphere really made for lots of happiness. I'm so glad my friend invited me.

There are people I still really want to see. I'm just so terrible with phones. I can totally set stuff up by internet but some folks really only do phones. Oh well, hopefully I'll still do it.

I miss the loved one a bunch. Especially today since I had hoped we would get to talk on the telephone. This is a long time away from her.
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