Nov 18, 2006 04:01
if you love someone fight for them
if you truely love someone dont let them go
but if the other isnt willing to fight then let them go its not worth the fight if the other isnt willing to fight back
love isnt a one way street you have to both be willing to work for it no matter what if its only one side then its not worth the hurt anymore and it wasnt love to begin with
if you love someone i mean true deep love they will never leave your heart no matter where you are in life with or with out them.. or if or both are with someone new
dont hold on to something if nothings there all it will do is hurt the true person you love in the end
find yourself before you love other otherwise whats the point if u dont even know yourself
lifes a very hard thing to deal with we all know but dont take others down with you
live life day by day dont ever second guess telling those who you care about how you feel u never know what life will throw to you just say it if its from your heart thats what matter u never know what could happen to them and you wont ever be able to say it
tell the truth no matter what..we all tell little lies but tell the truth good or bad if the person is a true person the will respect you for telling the truth either way
-this is a little something i have been thinking about i have yet to fall in love but these are some of the things i have learned and hope will help others-