Dec 02, 2005 09:05
So Happy Holidays everyone.
Tis’ the season to be jolly, right? Well, in my case it IS the season to be sick. I am recovering from another cold where I lost my voice for awhile but it is slowly making its comeback. I had to go to a career fair yesterday with a raspy voice that faded in and out and a baby on my hip. I am sure I looked like a GREAT job candidate (note sarcasm)
So life has been busier then normal. I have a mountain range of laundry taking over my apartment which is starting to mix with the thick jungles of Kinsey paraphernalia that we have to navigate everyday. Add work on top of that:
“Hi…I’m an Indiana Tech student and I was wondering if you have something available this Saturday to rent the center.”
“No, we are completely booked. Can I interest you in any other dates?”
“Well how about next weekend?”
“We are booked for December”
“Really? Can’t you check again? Are you sure you don’t have anything available this week?”
I go through this conversation about fifty billion times a day. I think the entire population of CPS Tech students has called me within the past week. Generally that section of the conversation is followed by them complaining how it is their husband’s/wife’s/son’s/daughter’s/cousin’s birthday and they really need a venue and how “we really need to accommodate them”. HAHA - NO
Look people, you had your children and you or your wife gave birth to them. You know when their birthday is. You want a birthday party you should try this odd new trend called PLANNING. Don’t call me three days before their birthday and try to get a spot because I am sorry…we are usually booked a month in advance.
…and then don’t act surprised that people with more PLANNING then you already have the placed booked for their child. I have bookings all the way into 2007. Just call me and get the darn thing over with.
Next on the list, home life is getting interested. Tim and I have been looking at renting a house since we outgrew our apartment so much but houses aren’t really available in Fort Wayne to rent. That search has been interesting.
Tim is also working three nights a week now so we see even less of each other, and I was starting to think that wasn’t possible.
Kinsey is crawling around and pulling herself up on EVERYTHING. I wish we lived in a padded room and that there wasn’t sharp angles and corners everywhere. Plus the kid is pretty creative about hurting herself. Yesterday in my office she was sitting in my chair and managed to bump her head on the arm of the chair. A few days ago she was in my office and managed to get herself finagled in my guest chair while I was on the phone. I don’t know how she did it but it looked like she was doing horizontal pull-ups underneath the chair. Basically the majority of her body was underneath the chair and her head and shoulders were out from underneath it but she was clinging to chair rung that was about even with her shoulders. This means she is in the awkward position of her butt, lower back, and legs flat on the floor and she is holding her head neck and shoulders off the ground and she doesn’t know how to move well enough to get herself out of this predicament so she is just hanging there. Finally she let go and bumped her head on the floor. Poor kid, I am going to be surprised if she makes it to a year.
Speaking of babies I have to admit I am feeling a little jealous. Tim’s bosses are expecting their first and I am in the middle of five married couples debating/deciding about having kids. I wish Tim and I could be happily married and anticipating our first child or planning that first child. I am not jealous enough to want to have a second one (I will explain that in a second) and I want society to be more accepting of out-of-wedlock pregnancies more but I want to be ALLOWED to be happy and planning-not made to feel ashamed and having to hide my joy about my pregnancy, which society only allows one way.
Okay so the second pregnancy thing, Tim and I decided we want 3 years between babies so we will start trying the summer after Kinsey turns 2. Well this morning I was laying in bed just wallowing in misery about how sick this cold is making me feel and the nausea, headaches, tiredness reminded me of my old pregnancy woes. SO my thought (which I must remind every one is just my opinion) is that as long as you can still accurately remember your last pregnancy it is not time to start another one.
Besides I still don’t want my kids close together (I don’t even want them as close as I agreed to have them)…just my personal preference.