I'm on strike today.

Jul 26, 2010 12:41

Nate had a grand total of 2 chores to do this weekend. Sweep and clean off the tables since they're covered in his paperwork/junk/whatever. I was going to dust, vacuum, clean windows, and steam mop everything. Very excited about my new steam mop.

Nate's brain has this problem where he hears and agrees to do what I ask, but then turns it into a completely different, usually unnecessary chore. Did the floors get swept? No. Did the tables get cleaned off? No. Actually both are worse! Instead of being helpful he decided it would be an awesome time to clean the office. The office that no one sees because it's the cat's bathroom. I agree that it needed swept and mopped but he didn't need to bring up everything that was supposed to be in the crawl space anyway. I can't even sweep the dining room or kitchen and it's a damn good thing that I didn't want to use the oven to make lunch because OH RIGHT there are about 5 50 pound boxes sitting in my kitchen floor. WTH. Why didn't they go back downstairs? "I'm tiiiiiiiired." Really? I'm 8 months pregnant and I want to CLEAN THINGS and NEST and FOLD TINY CLOTHES. I just wanted you to SWEEP!!!!!!!! Did I mention that we'll be gone this weekend and have guests coming next Wednesday? I'm really excited about both things, but I'd like the house to be presentable.


On top of this I was feeling icky yesterday. I'm apparently allergic to laying down because about 10 minutes after going to bed I ended up tossing my cookies. It probably doesn't help that Mr Wiggles was partying ALL DAY AND ALL NIGHT. I swear this kid doesn't sleep. I still don't feel very good. I can't do a lot of the chores that I want done because of HIS MESS.

I quit. I'm on strike. You can find me on the couch with my knitting and Netflix.

ryan lee, pregnancy, nate

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