Breaking the Habit (Cindy/Lindsay)

Sep 12, 2009 22:38

With the cell phone trapped between her shoulder and ear, Cindy took hold of the chains of the swing and pushed off the ground. Careful not to lose the phone, she did her best to gain some height. “So, was it at least important?” she asked the moment Lindsay picked up. Letting go of one chain, she tucked some stray hair behind her ears. The next moment, the wind blew it right into her face again.

“Yes,” came from the other end of the line and Cindy smiled at the sound of Lindsay’s voice. “Does this make it better?”

“Slightly,” Cindy replied. “You still owe me some coffee and ice cream though.”

She heard Lindsay chuckle and could just picture the grin on her face. “At least you got dinner before I had to go.”

And she had. She still felt pleasantly full and didn’t know if she had even been able to still eat more, but that didn’t mean she would pass on a second date. Even if it came as apology for a first date cut short. Smiling to herself in the dark, she rested her head against the chain. “You won’t get out of buying me that ice cream.”

“You really think I’d try?” Lindsay asked with as much innocence and indignance as she could muster.

Cindy remembered their first kiss after fighting about something, probably one of the many troubles she had gotten in. She also very clearly remembered the following two weeks until Lindsay had looked at her again and not avoided her at any cost. It then had taken her another week to finally ask her out. “Well,” Cindy said and rolled her eyes. There was no way of telling what Lindsay would or wouldn’t do.

“You might have a point there,” Lindsay admitted. “But that was the old Lindsay, not the new one,” she said with glee in her voice.

Cindy laughed and wished for the tenth time that Lindsay hadn’t been called away. “So, what’s the new Lindsay going to do?”

“Ask you to go out with her again?”

As much as she had anticipated and wished for it, Cindy still had a hard time repressing a squeal when she heard Lindsay’s answer. Counting backward to three, she took a deep breath in order to calm herself and be able to sound like her normal self again before asking, “And if I say yes?”

“She’ll pick you up at the playground where she said goodnight to you a few hours ago,” Lindsay replied and Cindy turned around as fast as she could without falling off the swing. “With the order to go home right away, by the way.” Just a few feet behind her at the entryway, Cindy could see Lindsay leaning against the fence.

“Never been good at following orders,” Cindy said and watched Lindsay walk around her until she stopped in front of her. “Especially yours,” she added grinning. She snapped her cell phone shut and placed it safely in the pocket of her coat.

“I noticed,” Lindsay muttered.

“You wouldn’t want me any other way.”

Lindsay stepped closer, running her fingers along the lapel of Cindy’s coat as if to straighten it and pulled the sides closer together. “And that is why I’m doomed.” She chuckled.

Cocking her head, Cindy raised her eyebrows and looked at her, then shook her head, deciding she couldn’t really argue with that. “So, did you catch your newest trouble maker already?” She smiled shyly when Lindsay brushed some stray hair behind her ears, lingering longer than necessary.

“Yes.” Lindsay nodded. “The hostage situation was already dissolved when I got there. Seemed they miscalculated how long it would take.” When she saw Cindy’s smile falter slightly at the words ‘hostage situation’, she said, “No one got hurt; they got him to surrender.”

“Is that my inside scoop?” Cindy perked up with the anticipation of a new story.

“That depends.” Lindsay replied, effortlessly pulling Cindy closer. Her face now mere inches from Cindy, she could hear her swallow before Cindy’s gaze dropped to her mouth. “How do you want to spend your night?”

Instead answering, Cindy closed the gap and brushed her lips over Lindsay’s. “If you put it that way.” Cindy pushed her back and slid off the swing. She rose up on her toes and kissed Lindsay again before muttering, “Just don’t forget the ice cream.”

tv show: women's murder club, pairing: cindy/lindsay, fic

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