it's that time again!

Sep 06, 2013 12:40

Monthly update! Though I think it's been more like three weeks..? Whatever.

1) Work! I'm so close to the end I can taste it. I'm actually currently having some serious feelings regarding pointless bureaucracy and nobody is online for me to rage at, but setting that aside... I'm feeling pretty good about everything. My last two issues are planned, done and essentially dusted (we're heading into production week on the second-to-last), so that feels great. There's movement on my social insurance getting refunded, which is also awesome because that's a huge chunk of change (like ¥17,000). After next week (which is my birthday week lol), Ami starts coming in to learn how to replace me, and there's weird, random vacation time to navigate. My boss is kinda freaking out but everything will be totally fine.

2) Other Work! Yeeshoo is going well. I've done a bunch of articles and have most of September done, and it's just getting so much easier, as predicted. I also got my first payment, which turned out to be $270 Australian, so that's nice!

3) Trip to Adelaide! The "reason" I am moving back in November is for my cousin's wedding, which is in Adelaide at the end of November. After some prodding from other cousins to get my shit together, I went overboard and organized a whole trip out there. I'm going over on a Monday to stay with my dad's side of the family and catch up with them, and then the other side of the family will be over for the wedding and I'll get to catch up with them! It's been way too long since I've seen any of them - certainly five years, but it's more like 7 or 8 for some of them - and it's going to be great to see them and hear all the stories and just hang out in Radelaide. I'm going to borrow a bike to chuff around, which will be scary haha, and it'll all be so much fun. Yay family!

4) Fandom! I slowed down on watching Arashi stuff after ripping through D and G no Arashi, and also got my je-otherworlds fic finished. I think it turned out awesome. Was super bummed when they pushed back posting to this Sunday, but the week flew by without me noticing so I'm excited all over again for posting to start :D In other news,
waxrose has returned to Beijing, and she brought me a 24Hr TV T-shirt! I don't have it yet but I really need to organize a Popcorn watching time with her so I can get my mitts on it.

5) Stuff I've Done! I haven't done a whole lot of stuff this month. I went to see a gig for the first time in ages. But mostly I've sat around at home worrying about my impending move. I tied up the last of my parents' visit, and also organized my friends being here, but mostly I worry about how much shit I have. I bought some boxes on Taobao, just so I can pack up some things and see how much stuff I really have. My desk and bookshelf are piled with crap, so I really want to just get that bullshit off of there. At least so I can know how much stuff I have, how much I'll need to send home, how much I can legit send back with friends and family... I had a freak-out last Tuesday about it but buying the boxes was a good idea. I'm going to spend some time on Sunday packing shit up and I'll feel much more relaxed about the whole goddamn thing. Oh, and I didn't go to Qingdao, for various reasons, but I'm really not concerned about it. I also put up an ad about my rabbit, but I haven't gotten anything back from it yet.

6) Stuff I'm Going To Do! All of the things! The fam is getting into the details of what we want to do in Shanghai and I'm making full use of this one tour company's love of City Weekend to score us a free tour while we're there ehehehe. And maybe one in Beijing, who knows. Other than that, my friends are coming to hang, and I've got a huge epic fuck-off going away party planned. It's basically a whole day filled with awesome things that I want to do, where people can come and hang for a bit or follow the whole party around. It's gonna be great.

7) In Summary! Right now, I feel exhausted, but most of that has to do with free Champagne last night and a 6am start this morning. I feel exhausted mentally, too, because of all the planning and organizing I've been doing. I think not actually doing things over the last few weeks has made me feel tired, because all I want now is to get on with shit, start this epic adventure I've been planning and organizing. It's all going to start very soon - as soon as next Thursday - and it's not going to stop for a really long time. But that's great! I absolutely cannot wait, and I'm so excited to get stuck into it. But waiting is so not my forte.

Originally posted at Dreamwidth.

travel: adelaide, life: money, life: australia, life: work, life: moving, life: china, fandom: 嵐, life: party, life: friends, life: pets

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