intro entry.
【 基本个人信息 】
★ 19840911; virgo, year of the rat, blood type O-.
☆ alex (f); i've never been called anything but alex, but feel free to call me by a nick-name if you like.
★ i'm pretty liberal about friending, so just leave a comment and let me know who you are and how you found me. new friends are cool!
你会遭遇的事情 / things you might
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I got here through floweranza, I think, and saw you have fic and interesting stuff posted here (Japanese studying people FTW). So is it ok if I friend you?
I'm Charlotte, from the Netherlands (20, Snake, Capricorn, blood type still needs to be tested XD). Full-time student of Japanese, and brainwashed by a friend into Arashi fandom, and separately by another friend into KAT-TUN fandom. And then all was lost. I'm also going to Japan for a couple of months soon, will be studying in Kyoto and then travelling about.
yoroshiku onegaishimasu! =D
For my jikoshokai: I'm Alex, from Australia, living in China, 25, Rat, Virgo, blood type O! :D I work, but work is boring, and in my spare time I study Japanese, try to keep up with my Chinese, and generally muck about with the internet. Into Arashi and KAT-TUN, but my first love was Ikuta Toma and I'm currently giving all the sempai bands the once-over. I've been to Japan once, last month, to see Arashi at Tokyo Dome, and I want to go again!
Yoroshiku! :D
I know :\ but I think I just like the fail (and win) of both of them. XD. I've been into several asian boybands somehow, but most of them were Korean XD Then something happened at my study, me and some friends took up Real Face as our motto to keep going, and the summer after that I suddenly found myself also liking Arashi, and everybody went "wtf is wrong with you", which I thought was kind of funny really XD
I'm going to Japan from end of march till end of august, and I have no clue if Arashi even has concerts around that time, but I also don't think I'm able to afford going there, which all kinds of sucks. (you wouldn't be able to tell me if they have concerts then and how much it costs? =D )
how was the concert last month?? =O
I don't know if Arashi's got anything lined up, but the concert I went to was Y9000. That was a legitimately-bought fan club ticket that hit at the ballots. Others, I don't really know much about but I do know that unless you are super unlucky, nobody will really check your ticket. You just have to be prepared to live with the risk. ;)
The concert was brilliant! I wrote it up over here.
9000 yen? *calculates* that's way cheaper than I've heard! woooh! I've heard people say their tickets are way over 100 euros, but 9000 is about 70-ish, apparantly, yey! (sorry, even though I'm going to Japan for almost half a year, I can still only work in euros in my mind, I just don't seem to get other valuta XD)
9000 for a proper ticket from a friend who was in the fanclub not looking to make any money off it. anyone else will sell it to you for much higher, knock-off or not. so be careful buying auctioned ones. it's not hard to buy legit ones, you just have to be willing to cough up. ;)
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