Feb 06, 2005 12:57
What a crazy weekend. Hannah pretty much summed up my Friday night in her LJ... but let me tell my side of the story haha. So around 6 Echo and I went out to Pizza Hut to eat some dinner before out big night. We got back to my house around 6:30 (perfect timing) and then everyone started showing up at my house. So everyone was getting ready at my house and then we went down and dropped everyone's cars off at the Selans. So we went off to the movies and watched Boogeyman. Rose's car broke down :/ so then after Hannah breaking my wrist (hahaha) we all got in my car and changed into our outfits haha and then off to McDonalds where I knew some of the people in there. Then we headed to the Coz and had a great time. I don't know what Hannah is talking about, I did nothing bad that night... it was all very good. hahaha. Well afterwards we drove back to my house with drunk Cali in the back seat :P she licked my window and goes "The snozberries taste like snozberries.... ooh! I have cute lips!" haha I love Cal. But we got to the Selans and went in Bean's room and were talking and stuff. Kelly and I got a call from our 'boys' (lmao) and we about pissed ourselves listening to them. "Are you sure you're not a cheerleader? Well... you're my personal cheerleader" hahahaha that was great. Well afterwards we all went back into the living room and watched Napolean Dynomite... again and then laughed and talked and then passed out. In the morning Kell woke me up with that voice she does and she goes "Katayyy wake up sweepy heaad" haha so I moved my car and then ate some breakfast and then left. So I was in a cleaning mood yesterday and I cleaned the whole house for my mom and then crashed on my bed from like 11-5 when I got up and texted Echo and then Sarah texted me. After I stopped texting them I called Matthew and talked to him for a few minutes. Then went over to Echo's house and picked her up and we went and got Steve a card for his birfday. So we went to Steve's house and had some fun. And then we went home and I passed out on my bed. This morning woke up at 10! and I've been chilling at my house ever since. But yeah, that's my storyyyy haha I have to go do some homework... later.