Trying to find the charity with the fewest accusations of corruption and pocket-lining to donate to. I think I'm going with
Doctors Without Borders. From what I understand, they're already situated in Haiti and I've yet to hear anything bad about them. But then the credit card companies are skimming a percentage of donations made by card, so ugh to that too. Can I mail a check? Do people still do that?
Apparently I can. You can too:
Doctors Without Borders USA
PO Box 5030
Hagerstown, MD 21741
Also, I'm not sure what it is about natural disasters and subsequent human suffering that just brings out the assholes in force. There's Pat Robertson's just world fallaciousness (with a twist of senility) and ahistorical twits running amuck on Facebook who couldn't find Haiti on a map of Haiti. Shit happens, even to good people, so rather than lamely trying to justify it, or putting a political spin on it it'd be nice if people would just come together for other people.
In a nod to the impending heat death of LJ, I've spruced up my neglected blog,
transballad which despite all implications, belongs to a cisgendered woman (I'm not sure what I was thinking?)
EDS Network CARES is in the running for a million dollars. If you Facebook (which I do) please support them in this. This money (one million dollars to the charity with the most votes) would go for very much needed research. My variant of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome is mild compared the vascular type which results in extremely fragile tissues leading to bowel rupture, aortic dissection and other complications that tend to end badly. This disease is poorly recognized, often misdiagnosed and undertreated.
That said, there are many other charities in the running. You have four votes to use, so spread the love.