Aug 13, 2004 00:36

havent updated in ages. Too much to write about. Sum it up-

i forget all the stuff before-WARPED TOUR :] amazing. Hungout with all the loverlies. Got ish signed by all the cool bands. Moshed to Flogging Molly. Faillas house was amazing. Half baked- so funny. Sukys house :]...well today anyway.I love when i go to her house and chiiiill with her. I forget what eles ive been doing. We DDRed for so long it was great. got some good KFC. then DDR more, her and her brother cant do it AT ALL. But i give Suky 100% congrats because she actually tries! ummmmm- rained for a long time. watched family guy today. ummmmm- wtf? why dont i remember anything? uh, well Sukys house was the best. i think shes comming over tomorow. MAJORLY cool beans!! I <3333 hanging with her... and oh yeah!! My molester boss Wayne? GOT FIRED!! :] :].. so i have a new cute young boss...mark maybe? anyway-hes cute and funny, so that just makes me happy. And i worked with Holly today! And saw Steve! Oh and i still love Dave. And i watched BB5 (B-B...5?? ahahahaha Suky) w/ Suky and JASE IS GONE! Which makes me TOTALLY and COMPLEATLY happy. And Dan and i were watching it the other day and he was like "What kind of name is Jase" and started calling him jasper. it was hysterical. Kinda funny-slash-random, hes growing his hair long and getting framed glasses. And its kinda gross because i LOVE guys with green eyes, long hair, and sometimes glasses.-oh yes and clothes that actually fit them-. and he has all of that. but i think hes butt ugly. -BLAH- how could anyone DATE THAT!??! But i thought that was strangly weird. And i might be working with Mere on week 10, and i miss shae...alot-OH YEAH I SAW HER AT WARPED TOUR!! ....and sio never talks to me anymore...:/

*Accomplishments of the week:
Signed up for my Landmark thang.
Did roundoff handspring on floor by myself.
Practiced tucks by myself on tramp.
Got good on level 6-DDR.
ummmmm...i think thats it
Stayed up ntil 1:37 and watched Queer Eye and BB5 ((gotta love the gay men..ahahaha))

Okay im gunna log out now...
Awesome Possom and cool beans-BB5 has to be THE coolest.
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