
Aug 04, 2004 20:31

Today was amazing!

Gym from 11-12 with Sasha,me,ashley,and allie. Then home, shower, and work from 3:30-8. Well i got there late, but who was working with me? DAVID :] . Then i go take diving, because i thought he was going on 3 which ment he would bump me the whole day. but no, Maria took 3 and David took baby. Urgh. I was gunna have her skip me so i could be with David but i didnt.

Day went pretty well, all of us went off stand because it was so hott outside. Then around 6:45 i was like 'ALEX, CAN I TAKE 5 FEET OFF STAND!" and he was like "ummmmm, sure" i was like yes, and i hopped off stand. then David was like clapping and was yelling "that was a nice move, nice move" and kept clapping. So i bowed and went over and he was like "that was a nice move" i was like "well thankyou" and he was like "do you know whoes bumping me?" i said i thought it was ryan and he was like "whoes that!?" i said it was the girl, in the doorway with the blue shirt he said "reallllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyy?" i laughed and was like "yeah david" and he was like "laura, call me dave". so woohooo for mee! Then i was like "i just wanna go in the pool!" and he was like "yeah me too, thats all i do on my breaks!" i was like "yeah i know me too!" and then he told these girls to stop running and i said they never listened, you have to say it to them about 14 times before they stop. Then i was like "okay, im getting in the pool now" and he was like "am i gunna have to save you?" and im like "well, yeah i think so" so we talked abotu school, sports, how he thought i was a senior, and i kept splashing him and he gave me his 70$ sunglasses :]. Then he came in with me and we swam to diving, he was like "you want my goggles? you swimmin laps?" i was like "sure. thanks!" hes such a cutie. i love his smile.then we did tucks off the diving board and dives and we dove off stand and everything.

i really like him. like so much. Maria kinda gets in the way but oh man, i like him more than steve. and thats alot. im hoping to get a picture of him to show everyone. Sorry for all the guys that had to read it but all the girls-man, i hope it goes further then this.Comment on what you think i should do. you guys no im not good at this ish.

im signing everything like this because im not broken hearted im mushy.
-mushy peas-
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