Checking in...

Apr 05, 2008 02:28

[OOC: Backdated to the first day in the new compound]

The Warden certainly has given some food for thought. Damn it. Being drafted into a war was bad enough, but into someone else's civil war? Not interested. So not interested.

Which I say as if I have a choice. There are people here I care about. If nothing else, I'd fight to protect them. I wonder if that isn't the point of having us live together and forcing us to interact with one another--that we'll forge relationships and end up caring enough about our fellow Drafted that even if we wouldn't otherwise want to get involved, we will for their sakes. How's that for paranoid?

Speaking of... I think I just realized what I've been missing. It's weird how you get used to... And it's gone. Hell. I don't even know... I think it started after I woke up in the Arena... Where is he? What happened during the battle that I missed?

Made it to the new place, safe and sound. Sort of. Had a little run in with the friendly, neighborhood vampire, but made it through unscathed. Both of the Duos got bit--yes, they're back--but the long-haired one got the worst of it. I patched him up as best I could, then brought him someplace safe and out of the way. I think it used to be a store. I'm pretty sure that the most Duo needs is some R and R to allow his body to replenish his blood supply, but I'd love for a doctor or healer or someone to have a look at him--in case I missed something.

So... has... anyone seen Quatre? Did he pull through the battle okay? Make it here in one piece? Dick? You all right?

aftermath, [gundam wing] au: quatre winner, [dc comics] dick grayson/nightwing, [buffy / angel] angel(us), [dc comics] tim drake/robin

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