A Good Day

Jan 13, 2008 03:39

It was a good day. Spent some time in the snow fort with Bart, and if that isn't the best snow fort I've ever seen, I'll eat my own cape. I wonder if I can get him to do the Justice Cave next time. What do you think, Bart? Maybe you can even make a snowman of Reddy.

It really was a good day. A healing kind of day. It's good being with Bart--keeping up with him doesn't allow me time to get all broody and dark. That's probably good for me.

Met someone new a few nights ago in the mess hall--Molly. She seemed nice. Friendly. She hugged me. It was--well, I don't get a lot of hugs, but it was... nice. I think. I hope she's all right. She seemed a little distressed and missing her surrogate family. I know what that's like--intimately. I miss Dick and Bruce and Alfred. And the Titans. Stop brooding, Tim.

Staff training with Quatre in the mornings is going well. He's getting better by leaps and bounds. It's really impressive, and he's a lot of fun to work with. A natural. And it looks like we're adding another to our little morning sessions. I... think I like this. I never thought of myself as much of a teacher, but I'm finding that I'm enjoying it. I should remember this when I get home.

If I get home. People have died. God, don't let Bart die again--I don't think I could take it.

Stop brooding, Tim.

[gundam wing] au: quatre winner, [dc comics] tim drake/robin, molly, [dc comics] bart allen/impulse

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