Always say I'm alright, I'll be okay, If I can keep myself awake

Jan 10, 2008 20:28

Oh and because I'm nervous and spammy this evening ... I give you ...

MEME: tagged by dreamsincolors

Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.

  • Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
  • At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names. Not tagging but do it if you want.

1) In my 18 years of living I have resided in 11 house all in the same 3 mile radius. One of those was a Bed & Breakfast and I've already lived in a house without either of my parents
2) I horde things. I still have stuffed animals that I've had sine I was 2, birthday and Christmas cards from each year since I was 4 and the program for a ballet I performed in.
3) The most worrying thing about eventually leaving home, to me, is leaving my cat behind.
4) I love being alone. Too many people in my space stress me out to the point where I cry.
5) My favourite:
  • colours - purple, green and blue
  • number - 19
  • place - anywhere quite
  • thing - my cat
6) I don't go a day without music or procrastination
7) I'm pretty quiet around most people and not many people know everything about me
8) I can't remember what I did in any month before August. Thats how bad my memory is.

meme:random, spam

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