Title: Animagus
Summary: Severus always needs to bicker before Harry can get a move on.
Rating: Pg
Disclaimer: Not mine
Author Note: This was inspired by the 10sec teaser of the teaser Harry Potter trailer.
“Its not working,” Harry said in defeat letting himself slump back down on the chair in defeat. He had been trying for so long now, and still it didn't seem to work. He ran a hand through his hair and looked over at Severus, feeling suddenly the need to throw something at the other man, since he didn't seem to be at all perturbed from the scene in front of him, but rather looked like that he had been expecting it already.
“Of course it isn't working if you aren't concentrating on it,” Severus retorted and Harry had to grit his teeth so that he wouldn't reply to that. He had thought that once he would start being together with Severus, he would get used to those remarks, but he hadn't, not until now at least. He would show Severus that he could do it, no matter what it took. Harry knew that he had already been working months on getting it right, and in between Severus had to transfigure away the ears that had sprouted from his head, a rather embarrassing moment, much to Severus's amusement.
So with a determined expression Harry got back up from his chair and once more crouched on the floor, closing his eyes in deep concentration. At first nothing happened and he could already hear Severus's amused bickering, as suddenly he felt himself shift. Before he really could comprehend of what had just happened, a bark came from his lips. He looked behind himself and found a tail swishing happily behind him. Harry looked up and found Severus smiling proudly down at him, making Harry in return scowl at the other man as best as he could.
“What?” Severus asked innocently. “You wouldn't get yourself going otherwise and we'd be sitting here for another month,” he continued and if Harry could have done it in this form he would have laughed. He knew that Severus was right of course, he had always been and that would probably also never change.
Maybe that was why he loved Severus, because without him, he would have never been who he was now.