Title: Forgotten
Summary: Remus couldn’t remember what their first kiss had been like..
Pairing: Remus/Sirius
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Author Note: Thank you very much to my wonderful beta
Remus couldn’t remember what their first kiss had been like. Well that wasn’t exactly true. He knew how it had happened and when it had happened. But he couldn’t remember how it had felt. Couldn’t remember the feelings that had been rushing through him at that exact moment or the first thought he had had when those lips had brushed against his own. He wondered for a moment if he had been surprised at being kissed and instantly he tried to recall the memory as clearly as possible. He hated that his memory didn’t seem to be the best at the moment and that the image of this occasion seemed to be rather blurry around the edges.
What he could remember was that it had been a bad day for him. Everything seemed to have gone wrong and all Remus had wanted at the end of the day was to hide out in the boy’s dormitory and sleep it away, hoping that the next day would be a better one. However he hadn’t been that lucky. Sirius had always been able to pick up on his moods, so it shouldn’t have come to his surprise when the other man had already been there waiting for him, ready to play the pick me up.
Remus smiled at that memory, and he closed his eyes for a moment in bliss, for once the tears not threatening to overwhelm, and he let out a long breath as he let his mind continue to lead him along.
They had talked for a while, discussing this and that, just anything that Sirius guessed would make Remus smile. At the end Remus had thought that he would give Sirius the satisfaction and gratitude of having helped him and had smiled, telling his best friend that he was alright now and that Sirius shouldn’t worry about him any longer.
Everything went black at that moment, and no matter how much Remus crammed through his head he couldn’t get the memory to clear up. The thought of not remembering something so wonderful was choking his throat, and at the end the tears did come, a loud sob escaping his lips. The realization that he was crying about a kiss he couldn’t remember, with a man he had tried to hate so much made him want to grasp on to the bare threads of that memory again, a weak smile appearing on his face as he remembered of what had happened next.
They had somehow ended up lying on Remus’s bed, just kissing and touching, nothing else. And when they had finally managed to pull away from one another, mainly because Remus hadn’t been able to look up at Sirius anymore without blushing in a dark shade of red, the two had talked.
Once again the memory failed him, but Remus knew that they had discussed things like how long they had already been attracted to each other, and how stupid both had been not to act on it any sooner.
“And look where it brought me now Padfoot,” Remus murmured to himself, looking once more down at the picture that he had been holding the last 30 minutes.
A picture of Sirius and him, smiling, arm in arm, of a friendship long lost, forgotten.