(no subject)

Apr 05, 2009 15:28

Title: The Best
Summary: Sirius's and Regulus's relationship
Author Note: Prompt was given from wolfish_cat who inspired me to write this, and has then also been my beta. Thank you!
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine. ^^

For Regulus, Sirius had always been something of a role model. Even if he would never admit it freely, too scared to suffer the consequences of disobedience, he agreed with Sirius on every point when it concerned their family. He didn’t see killing muggles as a good sport, and that the Black family name was of such a status that it immediately meant that you were superior to everyone else. So when Sirius left for Hogwarts for the first time, Regulus felt more alone than he had ever felt before, and it hurt him only more when his brother didn’t return home that Christmas.

Regulus didn’t know anything of what had happened at Hogwarts at that time, so when his brother returned for the summer holidays, he of course didn’t understand why their parents suddenly had such a change of attitude towards Sirius. Only at nights, when he would sneak into Sirius’s room, he would get to hear the full extent of what was really going on. And even as he lay curled up in Sirius’s arms, he wished that he would some day be strong enough for Sirius, so he could return the comfort he received at that time.

When Regulus finally started at Hogwarts a good two years later, he was grinning from ear to ear, hoping quietly that he would be sorted in the same house as Sirius, to finally be one with his brother again. The ride to Hogwarts had already been fascinating, being able to meet all the friends Sirius had made throughout the last years, and hoping instantly that he would be finding the same once he was sorted into his house.

So it came to his surprise that when he was finally sorted, that the hat didn’t shout Gryffindor but Slytherin. For a moment the whole hall was quiet, and Regulus just sat there in shock, slowly turning his gaze over to his brother whose face had fallen, and had then turned his gaze away from him. Regulus wanted to shout that this wasn’t fair, that there was something wrong with the hat, but he was already guided over to his table, his head low as he sat down on the bench, ignoring the greetings from his over excited family members. With desparate hope, Regulus once more tried to catch his brother’s gaze, but was quickly blocked by someone bigger sitting down opposite him.

He didn’t see his brother again that night; neither did he see Sirius during the next few days, and even weeks, which soon turned into months. Time passed by much too quickly for Regulus’s liking, and the next time he really got to speak to his brother was almost a year later, when they had gotten home for their summer break.

Regulus waited until everyone was asleep that night and sneaked into Sirius’s bedroom. He wasn’t surprised to see that his brother was still awake, he knew that Sirius never slept well when he was at home, and Regulus had slowly come to understand why.

Scared that he would be thrown out again, Regulus closed the door behind him and slowly walked over to the bed. He stood nervously at the bedside for a moment and then quickly climbed into it as Sirius seemed to be making no move to throw him out. So it came even more as a surprise as he suddenly felt Sirius’s arms around him, and Regulus instantly buried his face into his brother’s shoulder and sobbed, all his emotions that he had been bottling up during the year finally finding their way out.

“And there I thought you might have found a better brother,” Sirius whispered quietly, as Regulus found himself finally calming down. Shaking his head vehemently, Regulus sat up a little and wiped away the tears from his face with the back of his hand.

“You’re still the best,” Regulus replied, his voice hoarse from the crying. Not knowing what else to say, he curled back up against Sirius and closed his eyes, and he knew at that moment that Sirius would always be there for him, no matter how different their ways would go. After all Sirius was still the best and the only one Regulus would ever be able to confide in.

regulus black, rating:pg, sirius black, fanfiction

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