I was thinking about, while browsing other blogs here. I really enjoy reading about ppl life, but i'm not really into sharing about mine, cause I think it is too much private to post it via the net where everyone can see. So usually I post pics, they describe the best some moments in my life.
Anyway I was here to still (share a "bit") tell something about my new life being a mom and such: some say that ppl change a lot when they have kids. I can say that for me "free time" changed a lot, besides that nothing really changed, I don't feel any different, maybe it will come with time, maybe not. I lack a lot hours of sleep but I don't feel that i'm tired, that is very weird, I think my body is working on autopilot after birth...
Nowadays I usually sit home with Liam, watching some TV series, surfing the net, cooking dinner. Did I mention that I really enjoy being a housewife and such?:-P
Some recent pics: