(no subject)

Sep 24, 2009 10:22

Many of you may remember the one uncle I've mentioned from time to time who's suffering with leukemia...well, it seems like this is really it :(

As is, he's already lived a lot longer than most doctors predicted he would, given his condition and whatnot, but at this point the cancer cells have reached his bone marrow and made it stop functioning completely. They're expecting him to pass away pretty shortly.

My mom's arranging to fly out to Venezuela sometime today or tomorrow :(

And like I've mentioned before in other posts about him, I'm feeling just as out of sorts about death as always. I guess all I can hope and pray for is that he'll finally find rest =/

As for him, he's already told us many times that he plans on dying with his boots on. And I'm pretty sure it's been this kind of positive attitude that's kept him going for as long as he has...

Um, I don't know what else to say.

And to echo what kayjkay said a little while back: F*ck cancer

family, uncle, cancer, sick, death, venezuela

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