(no subject)

Jul 14, 2009 16:32

I just remembered a little while ago that I had two dreams last night (at least that I recall):

- I had a kid. In my dream he seemed to be about 2 years old, a bundle of energy, very fair-skinned and blond like Alex used to be as a kid, but he had very curly hair, like I used to have when I was little...kind of like an "afro" but with big, soft curls :) He was cute. We were outside on the grass and he was running to me, and I caught him in my arms.

- I was at the airport getting ready to fly somewhere. I had a bundle of papers I was flipping through, then decided that I didn't need them and tossed them in the garbage. Turns out that among those papers, there was something I did need if I wanted to get in the plane (I don't know if it was the actual plane ticket or what; I can't remember). Fortunately I was able to rescue it out of the garbage and go along on my way. So all ended well.

kids, dream, travel

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