(no subject)

Mar 18, 2008 11:28

OK, went to the otorhinolaryngologist <--(the fancy name for "ear/nose/throat doctor") this morning, and before my actual consultation, I was put in a little sound booth to test my hearing. The girl conducting this test was able to determine that my hearing loss is all "fluid related", meaning everything behind my eardrums is flooded with...um, infection fluid stuff, pretty much. Good news: my ears bits and hearing nerves are fine, so no actual permanent organ damage is involved. Bad news: if it were a permanent sort of thing, I'd be having to use hearing aids...meaning my hearing loss right now is pretty bad.

So, since the problem's being caused just by fluid getting in the way of my regular hearing (thank God it's just that!), I have to keep taking my antibiotic and decongestant to make it go away. The only thing that's new is a nasal spray (a different one from the one the other doctor gave me, which, by the way, didn't do squat for me) and a antihistamine. So I'll be taking those on top of everything else....and then I just have to wait. Honestly, the waiting part is the hardest of all...ick. I asked the doctor about draining the fluid out as an option, and he says that's usually reserved as a more drastic measure, since it would involve puncturing the eardrum...and I guess it's best not to do that if it can be avoided. So he'd rather let the medications (and time) do their magic and he'll check on me again in three weeks. I'm hoping my hearing will be back to normal way before then....oh God please!

In the meantime I can just go back to my normal life...which, should be interesting. I was supposed to work at the studio with a voice actor recording over the weekend, which of course I couldn't do anything with not only because of my hearing, but because of my dizzy spells. At least fortunately now the dizzy spells are pretty much gone, but I don't know how well I'll do from the hearing side of things. We'll see...I can at least try. =/

Well, that's how things are going so far. =/

health, sick

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