(no subject)

Mar 15, 2008 01:29

I experienced vertigo today for the first time in my life...not fun at all! I don't wish it on anyone.

I was towards the end of work with the kiddos this afternoon, and I was just sitting on one of the benches at the playground. And it just happened. The whole world started to spin and it just wouldn't stop...to the point of making me throw up (fortunately at that point I had been moved into a room with no kids around, so they didn't get to see that). Seriously. The feeling of anxiety was so big I even cried. It was so bad.

My mom had to go pick me up, since of course there was no way I could have driven home like that. Went to the doctor again, and she conducted a blood test. All she found was what she had already said on Wednesday: I have a bacterial infection in my ears. The new thing this time was the extreme dizziness and that I was running a fever of 101. In the end she just gave me a sample of a nasal spray that's meant to help clear my sinuses, which will hopefully in turn alleviate the pressure in my ears...and said to just keep on with my treatment of antibiotics and decongestant.

I'm feeling better now (as in not dizzy and feverish), but my ears are about the same. I really hope this will get better soon!

On a randomly happy note, when my dad picked up the new phone book that was dropped off at our front door and he was getting it out of its bag, a toad came out of it! It was so cute! I picked it up between my two hands and set it in our front yard.

All righty, that's been it so far...

health, sick

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