(no subject)

Mar 04, 2008 20:30

All righty, I'm back from Canada and the Engaged Encounter Weekend (i.e. premarital counseling). That's one more thing done.

On my way to wait in line at U.S. Immigration, one of the workers (those who guide people and tell them where to wait in line; etc.) approached me and asked me if by any chance I spoke Hebrew. I chuckled and told him that no, I didn't. After a brief pause I told him that I spoke Spanish, though. And out of the blue the guy starts speaking in Spanish to me! Though he had a very thick Hebrew accent, he was actually very fluent. So yeah, he told me he was trying to guess whether I'd be from Venezuela or Colombia, or Israel. So when I confirmed to him I was Venezuelan, he smiled. He was really nice, but the whole thing took me by surprise! Hee hee.

OK, so counting that instance, so far I've had people ask me if I'm Greek (or from Cyprus), Italian, Venezuelan/Latin American (which, of course, is correct), Indian, and now Israeli. Go figure!

travel, wedding, canada

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