Jan 29, 2008 21:03
so i've definitely met the one.
and i would never say that out loud or to anyone except those who are on here.
it's been a week and a half.
and i can just tell.
like.. you know how EVERYONE says that "you just know"
it really is like that!
i can't even desribe it, it's just completely different than every guy i've ever had feelings for.
he's amazingly sweet. and funny. and honest. and he's attractive. and he's smart, i can talk to him and he knows what i'm talking about.. sometimes hahahaha. sure, there are times i have to explain what a word means.. but it's like that with 99% of the people i know.. even my mom.
and i'm normally so shallow.. SOOOO shallow.
that i could be on a gorgeous guy's arm.. and still be worried about what everyone thinks. and still be worried about there being someone hotter i could be with.
it's not like that though. i love being out with him.
i love when he has his arms around me. and when he kisses my cheek and holds my hand. and when he puts me on the inside of the sidewalk when we're walking around.
uggh and we'll just be sitting next to each other and he'll randomly kiss my cheek.
every inch of him is perfect to me.
even his little pot belly :]
and he's big and strong! he hugs me so tight, i love it. and his hands are like twice the size of mine. :]
ack. okay. i'm done gushing.
got my wisdoms on the left side out yesterday.
it hurt :[
and my teeth have already moved... so they don't match up! annoying.
PLUS i can't even eat on this side.
or the other side because if food gets over in the holes, it's going to suck and hurt and get infected.
but i got some nice 800 mg motrin pain pills.
they're HUGE. very hard to swallow :[
buyt i'll be alright.. i just can't believe how much hungrier i am now that i can't eat anything good.
how's everyone else been doing?