(no subject)

Feb 16, 2004 20:30

Sarah i need to get in touch with you. This is a shame i am using LJ as a email now. Anyway, I know that i am suppose to come to go out in service with you. The thing is I still haven't talked to Jake. I need to go out in service tomorrow. I was going to go out in service with the sign congregation, but if I do i can't go out with you thur. My mom wants me to spend more time with my congregation still. Which she is right I should. as much as I like hanging out with everyone. So i need to call Izzy to tell him what is going to happen. If I can go out or not. I still want to go out with you just was thinking that if it wasn't going to work out this week. I could go out with Izzy and then you next week. But if it is going to work with Jake then i will go out with you as planned and have the time of my life and then Izzy next week. So see you later. Oh yeah I everyone else. have a nice night. I watched Steph and Jackie leave this morning. That was hard. I miss them already. What will I do without them. Well I will need someone to talk to. I will be in livejournal alot more. Then on top of that i have BRIDGET and SARAH. What would I do with out you two? I have all my other friends but i just wanted to focus on them for now. Two new friends to focus on each day. I need to go write now see ya. Sarah please call me tonight
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