There was a another big gala event tonight in the heart of London, at some Opera House that Sophie must've rode past a million times but have never been to. The exoskeleton of the place was made of marble, white marble, and had to be cleaned ever two days or it would turn a putrid gray/brown colour; Sophie knew this because she'd pass by and see them cleaning the old bugger.
Inside was a different story, it was beautiful, lavish, gold thread in the rug type of lavish. The oldies that funded it were ten times richer than Sophie Rackham was, but they realized that at her age, her wealth was gigantic, so they invited her into their circle hoping that she'd calm down and invest.
Sophie dressed herself up in a
gold dress, for the fact that it was all she could get on such short notice of the party; she had literally gotten the invite this morning and was flustered, and conflicted with the idea of having to go. But Miss Sugar had told her before she left that she needed to take every opportunity to mingle with people of her status.
Sighing, Sophie stepped into the carriage and turned to look at her date. "Are you ready?"