Sep 14, 2009 09:15
Okay, so she is offically 3 days late.
And I'm on bedrest.
Why aren't they inducing me - a lot of people are asking me.
It's just my blood pressure. My blood work both times last week came back fine. After 20-30 min of rest, my blood pressure was fine. The nurse practitioner that I saw said that my dr is not as conservative as the others. I expect that if my blood pressure is fine today that we'll stick with the same plan and wait till next Monday to induce. We'll see what he does say when I see him this afternoon.
Bedrest. Oh, did you know that it's hard to do nothing and be lazy on purpose for several days? Saturday was okay. I think I did pretty well. But I couldn't be at home yesterday, I really wanted to be at church and see people. I told Joe that I would not work. And basically I didn't. I looked in on my preschool classrooms and got snacks for one room. Other than that, I was able to be in Sunday School, sit in the worship service and eat at the rally day lunch.
One "bedrest project" that I have is to finish a flag for school. It's called 'procrastiation'. I've had this project on my dock since Jan. I've finally been working on it over the past 2-3 weeks. Joe helped design it and I'm painting it. It'll be really cool when it's done, but definately last min.
Well, we'll see what the dr says this afternoon. If I have to keep up this bedrest, you might read more posts of mine in the next few days.