Apr 18, 2009 16:07
I have my pc back, my C drive crashed and some guy the pastor brought over said he was a pc wizz (yeah right)I've lost my email addys so if I am on your list or Simon is could you send me an email please.
Simon found a guy in Ballarat so with thoughts of I have nothing to lose took the tower to him amazingly 2 days later pc was working it had been the CPU fan that was broken.
Simon placed all my pics and music on the F drive which was just sitting in the tower so they are saved, my bookmarks (and Simons')were not that lucky, nor were the university desktop icons and files. Which means that I have to retype some work that was lost. Thankfully my lovely tutor seems to know that I need extra time and that I am really trying to get updated on my work, I was lucky the last thing I sent away on this pc was the essay part of my assigment part 2 was lost (lucky I had done some of it in pencil, first drafts).
Simon lent me his tower while mine was getting fixed as he doesn't have an outgoing phone line but has a working tower and he comes here to do his online work and to pick up emails.
I am now Simons' official carer which means I now get paid by the Fed. Gov. to look after him.
We are both doing a mental first aid course together very interesting and we both enjoy it.
I have also joined a carers support group which is great I have also joined carers Vic.
Had a session with my therapist yesterday so that is all good.
Corry and family have gone to QLD for a holiday, my holiday is still on the wish list.
Veggie patch is going well and after I finish playing catch up I will start on another garden. I now have an arrangement with a grand daughter where she bags horse manure and I pay her $2 a bag plus give my daughter petrol money to bring it over.
I spoke to/with my mum for Easter not really possitive but that's mum.
OK back to the study..
BTW I got a CP for my last unit and a P for my last essay and my first essay in this unit.