Jul 23, 2004 21:46
Well things at work get more and more strange as the days go on. I've found myself with 45 days to show them what I've got and prove my worth or I'm getting shown the door. I'm sad and pissed all at the same time. Sad because I have a feeling deep down that this is the end of my journey in my current role and pissed that I was given the opportnity to really shine over the time I have been in position. Too many different interpretations
of the way I need to be and not enough feedback on how best to get there.Fuck! The hoops just get more fiery and hard to squeeze through as time goes on. Maybe I don't fit the mold, maybe my lips aren't securely enough attached, maybe this just isn't "the job for me". I would have liked a little more notice, I would like to prove my worth, I would like to prove the naysayers wrong. I WOULD LOVE TO KICK THEM ALL IN THEIR HIPPOCRITICAL,SELF IMPORTANT,PERSONALLY FOCUSED,UNSUPPORTIVE ASSES!!!!!!!!!!!But I digress. Maybe this is a catalyst for much needed change in my life. The universe's way of getting me back on the right path in a very inconvienient and brutal way. Nothing like having your whole future up in the air and too many things hanging in the balance. I need to take care of my family. Bottom line. I must have a game plan, and a way to turn this shitty situation I find myself in around and make a positive step in the RIGHT direction. I've solidified in my mind that my current situation will not be the the path I'll stay on. When I prove them wrong and keep my job, it will only be a matter of time before I move on anyway. I no longer have the same trust in the values the company instills in us not because of the company per say, but those they've allowed to be the purveyors of those values. It sucks to be blindsided nd I would not want to continue to be part of something that allows that to happen to its dedicated staff. Oh well, I need to branch out and blaze a new path for myself. I think this may well be my cosmic butt kick to do just that. Please let all the positive energies help me in my undertaking.