Oct 08, 2006 23:34
I'm happy that the weather is changing :]
But school is causing me a lot of stress :[
I miss not having huge assignments for things and being able to spend my free time doing whatever I want. Now I feel like I dont have any free time anymore. I miss a lot of my friends.
I'm really happy though that Mandi and I are becoming better friends :]
She's super cool, and well I'm Mallymom ;] haha
I hate having Quiz repairs and Essay's due in speech tomorrow.
I hate having a paper due Tuesday for English.
I hate having a demonstration speech due on wednesday.
Too many things are back to back this week.
Not to mention I have no idea what we are doing in math tomorrow because I didnt go to class Wednesday.
Effff. I think we have a test. Oh well.
I've got all A's...i think? haha Okay I'll say A's and B's to be on the safe side..
There needs to be more time in a day so I can get everything I need to do done and still be able to do the things I want.
But hey I'm happy and thats the best thing right?
And I'm exhausted, so Goodnight :]