Stupid-as-fuck dream....

Feb 27, 2007 10:53

I had this really stupid dream last night.

I found an apartment that was really large and really nice and partially furnished for only $200/month, all utilities paid. Too good to be true, right? The catch? It was in an apartment building and the wall that divides the room from the main hallway was glass... anyone could just look in and see everything in the apartment.... part of the bathroom was closed off for privacy but the large bathtub was right in the middle of the livingroom. There was also a large curtain I could close to hide the apartment from the hallway and that was it.... so for some reason I accept this offer and start living in this half-glass apartment.

At one point I decide to take a bath so I close the curtain and draw a bath which instantly despenses some honey scented bath oil and bubble bath into the large tub. So I am thinking "hmm... well this is still pretty sweet. I'll close the curtain for now and later I will just entirely cover the glass wall with posters and stuff so it wont be any different then any other regular wall." Then I realise that the curtain doesnt close all the way, it leaves about a foot open at one end so I tack up a blanket to block it off and go to take a bath...

About five minutes into my relaxing bath I hear someone banging on the door. So I get up, put on my bathrobe and answer it. It's the apartment building's manager, the landlord, who looks almost exactly like Danny Davito. He hands me a piece of paper, which just happens to be a bill for $75... for my bath. So I'm like "okay... what the fuck. A bath? what if I just want a regular bath? not one with all the bubbles and scented bath oils?" and the landlord goes "What about it? You still have to pay."

At this point I am really pissed. I get charged to take a bath? I argue with him for a while and he finally dismissed the fee for this bath because I wasnt told in advance that BATHING WOULD COST ME HUGE AMOUNTS OF MONEY. I'm really pissed that I can't take baths anymore and have to stick with showers. I finish my bath and go to bed.

The next morning I wake up and start covering my glass wall with pictures and such only to have the landlord come banging on my door and telling me that he will have to charge me $10 per sqare foot per MONTH for covering the glass wall. Now i am ten times more pissed then the previous night and take what I had hung up down and go to work. When I get back from work I decide to go take a shower. A SHOWER.... and, you guessed it, landlord tries charging me $75 for a regular shower. At this point I slam the door in his face and start packing up everything. There is no fucking way I am living there.

Landlord calls for a security guard to come up and the guard just happens to be Hurley from Lost.

I announce that I am moving out and that the landlord can kiss my ass. I have been living there for two days and this is bullshit.

Suddenly my stupid parents are there, harassing me because I somehow managed to build up $500 in fees in less then two days.

Then I woke up. It was really fucking dumb.

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