(no subject)

Jun 13, 2007 18:59

I am so fucking glad I took Ba Gua last semester.

Okay, so, I woke up around 10 when i_am_confusion called me accidentally--she meant to call her sister. I figured, eh, I'll wake up and try putting my retainers back in. No one was in the house, so I got dressed, brushed my teeth, the whole nine yards. Around 10:30, I got in the car to go pick up magi_sammy. But as I got closer to the school, I started realizing that everyone was staggering around funny. Fortunately it was everyone (not just the men, thank God), so I figured that it was just another manic Wednesday, 9 to 5, that whole deal.

But DUDE, when they started trying to get into my car, I hit the gas as fast as I could. I must have been doing 80 down Corbin. I tried to calm down as best I could, but, I mean, friggin' zombies just attacked my car.

I pulled up and luckily, magi_sammy was beating the last few zombified freshman off her with a locker-door. She jumped in the car and we drove like gas was going out of style.

A couple hours in the car arguing about what to do, daoutlaw called me to make sure magi_sammy and I were all right. I can't say the same for him--apparently he totaled a truck and was heading for a bar of some kind. Just then, I noticed that the car was running low on gas. magi_sammy and I leaped out of the car and barricaded ourselves in JoAnn's. If I was going to die, it was going to be in the satin aisle.

As magi_sammy and I ran through the store, we grabbed whatever garden decoration we could use to fight off the impending horde. I made a brief call to the 'rents, who were on their way with a freshly gassed getaway car. The zombies finally cornered us in the beads. magi_sammy chucked as many strings of beads at the encroaching group of employees, while I decided that the time had come to use self-defense.

Thank God Ba Gua is meant for multiple opponents, that's all I have to say. Soon, all of the zombies were eating linoleum, and magi_sammy and I were running out the doors (me with a nifty clasp for my Malu cape~ if the world lives to see AX, that is...).

We returned home, grabbed a few things, and are currently holed up in what could possibly be the only hotel left with wireless. Dad's gone out to buy a couple pieces--I hope he gets back soon. I haven't even called chiyo_no_hikari, lokiohtara, starry_nyte, blindcreator, i_am_confusion, lostcatboy, or murasaki_kaze yet. I hope they're all okay.

Dammit, I should have made myself Resident Evil cosplay...


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