Feb 24, 2006 12:32
To note, here are some of the new changes:
* Badges will be mailed out to your mailing address.
* Mailed out badges are perforated with barcodes for quick check-in scans.
* To be admitted to Anime Expo events, you must have your badge AND authentic badge holder (which you pick up only at the convention).
* The day before the convention is strictly for pre-registration badge holder pick up. You may pick up for pre-registration anytime after as well.
* When we say we close at a certain time, we will not be accepting more people. But we will process whoever is still in line as long as it takes.
* There will be 4 types of badge pick up lines: pre-registered, will-call, at-con, express.
* Pre-registered is everyone who has been mailed their badge ahead of time (now till June 14th).
* Will-call is for people who pre-registered after the last badge mailings but before the convention (June 15th till the convention).
* At-con is for those who register at the convention.
* Express for industry, press, handicapped, and other special circumstances.*
*Subject to change.
So for the general attendee who pre-registers early, it will work like this: you pre-register online from the Anime Expo registration system, you will receive an e-mail confirmation, badges will be mailed out at a later date (approx. 2 months before the convention), you show up to pick up your badge with your valid ID, we check the authenticity of the badge and hand you a badge holder. BOOM! You are done. Go have fun! XD
--Taken from the AX2006 Website, posted this morning.
I want to KISS whoever okayed the mailing of the badges. XD Standby for Online Registration folks! /bouncesaround