arthur/merlin one-shot, [PART TWO] the one where a sneaky foot massage leads to smut

Jun 21, 2011 21:26

By: little_seahorse
Title: The one where a sneaky foot-massage leads to smut.
Genre: modern!AU, non magic, fluff
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin, brief Merlin/Will
Rating: NC-17
Word count: around 5,500.
Notes: *waves* Quite new to this fandom. This is my first Arthur/Merlin fic & i'm gifting it to elirwen  - Happy Birthday!
It's partly inspired by  psmithery & mizufae's fic Deft, which is delicious. I could happily read nothing but A/M fingering fics for the rest of my life.
I'd like to thank fr333bird for the excellent beta job, thoughtful suggestions, and brit-picking :D *hugs*
Feedback is very welcome!

Part Two

Life carries on, and months pass. The weather changes and exams approach and are over with disconcerting swiftness.

Arthur hasn't managed to catch Merlin looking at him yet, and he hasn't worked up the nerve to ask what happened to Will, but Merlin doesn't mention him, and he doesn't bring him over, which is good enough for Arthur.

They go out to the local some nights, sink a pint or three. Arthur takes care not to drink too deeply, for fear of ending up leaning against Merlin and confessing all.

The night after they finish their last exams for the term they take several bottles of wine and a cheap bottle of sherry home. They've been celebrating since five in the afternoon, and it's just gone half-ten when Arthur stumbles in the front door ahead of Merlin, who's giggling at Arthur's struggle with his keys.

Merlin dances into the kitchen, singing to himself as he grabs some glasses. Arthur can't stop smiling as he shrugs out of his jacket and throws himself on the couch.

"Oi, shift, wanna sit."

Merlin's returned and is smiling down at Arthur and waving a half-full glass at him. Arthur reaches up and takes it, swallowing a large gulp of sweet sherry and staying right where he is.

"Oof!" Merlin has sat on his legs, "how are you so heavy? You're a bag of bones!"

Merlin giggles at that too, and Arthur tries to take a sip while his smile stretches across his face. He watches Merlin laugh, feels his stomach flip as he focuses on his throat, thick adam’s apple bobbing.

Arthur closes his eyes again, he doesn't want to look anymore. It's too much.

Merlin is apparently not comfortable enough, sitting on Arthur's shins, so he pushes one knee off the couch, and rests his back against the other before pulling Arthur's leg back and laying it on his lap.

Arthur's eyes are open again, watching Merlin rearrange his limbs. He takes another sip before waving his free hand imperiously at Merlin,

"Take off my shoes."

Merlin looks at him, mouth open and eyebrows raised, and asks,

"What am I your manservant or something?"

Arthur snorts and puts his glass down, shrugging one shoulder lazily,

"If you like."

Merlin chuckles again, calls him a prat and unties his shoelaces anyway.

Arthur smirks happily to himself, feeling warm and sleepy as his eyes drift shut. The jingle for a car ad starts. Merlin's flicked the telly on. Long calm moments flow into one another.

Arthur pretends to have fallen asleep when he feels Merlin slowly, carefully pull off one of his socks. His heart thuds in his ribcage, and he fights to keep his hands still on his chest.

It doesn't tickle, thankfully. Merlin's fingers curl confidently around his foot and circle with firm pressure into the arch. Arthur keeps his eyes closed, and hopes any pinkness in his face is blamed on the drink he's been pouring into himself all evening. He can feel Merlin's other hand holding his ankle gently, fingertips stroking the soft skin with with a slowness that makes Arthur ache.

It carries on for a few minutes, Arthur keeping his breath even and calm as Merlin expertly massages his foot. Eventually he stops. Arthur swallows a huff of disappointment.

Merlin places Arthur's foot back in his lap, and leans forward, twisting his body so he can slowly push Arthur's right leg up, bending it at the knee before he ducks behind it to settle that one in his lap too.

Merlin gently removes his other sock, and Arthur can feel his eyes burning his face, watching to see that he's still asleep. Arthur thinks he must have died and gone to heaven. He lets his ankle be manipulated by Merlin, and his heart skitters as he feels soft lips brush the delicate skin.

The skilled fingers make their return, so gentle that Arthur can't help the hum of pleasure that fills his mouth. Merlin stops, his hands still.

"Don't stop," Arthur keeps his eyes closed, figuring he doesn't want to risk waking himself if this is a dream, "feels good."

Nothing happens for another minute or so. When Merlin finally starts again, Arthur flat out moans. He imagines he can hear Merlin's smug grin, but he doesn't really care.

Arthur opens his eyes at last, lifting his head to look down his body, where Merlin is dipping his head again to brush his lips over the top of Arthur's foot. His eyes roll back in his head as he falls back into the cushion and groans.

Merlin does chuckle now, and Arthur doubts he's ever gotten so hard so fast when hears Merlin ask, "like that?"

Arthur pulls his feet from Merlin's lap, bracketing them around his waist to pull him up close. It's not as graceful as he'd imagined it would be. Merlin is laughing again as he rearranges himself so he's kneeling on the couch between Arthur's legs.

And isn't that a sight. Arthur groans again as he pulls Merlin down until their hips slot together, and Merlin has to hold himself up with his arms either side of Arthur's head. He can feel the hard line of Merlin's cock through his jeans, so he pushes up against it.

Merlin lifts his chin, making sure Arthur has his eyes open as he lowers his face and presses his lips to Arthur's. Arthur kisses him back, mind reeling and skin tingling.

He opens his mouth against Merlin's, coaxing his lips apart. He can taste the bitter wine in Merlin's mouth. One, or both of them moan into it, tongues flicking out to wet lips, to taste the smooth damp skin.

Arthur pulls back after several long minutes of slow, sweet, drugging kisses, looks up at Merlin, who's smiling with shining lips.

"What is this Merlin...what about Will?" He might want to punch himself in the face for asking it, and for sounding so desperate as he does, but Arthur needs to know.

Merlin keeps looking down at him, lips curved in a small smile, "Will's just a friend. Sometimes we'd just have a bit of fun together. That's all."

He dips his head again, reaching for another kiss, but Arthur pushes his head back further into the cushion.

"Is that what this is?" Arthur really wishes he could gag himself, but he can't go any further until he knows. "Is this just a bit of fun between friends?"

He waits, heart thumping wildly as Merlin looks at him, still and quiet.

Pendragons have never been known for their patience. The silence grows too long, and Arthur feels lead settle in his stomach as he shifts, trying to push himself up, to get away.

Merlin pushes him back down, and finally replies, his voice firm.

"It doesn't have to be."

Arthur looks up into the blue eyes smiling above him.

Eventually he nods, and says "Okay...that's...yeah. OK."

Merlin grins down at him, sliding a hand into Arthur's hair before crushing their mouths back together.

Arthur squawks as their teeth click awkwardly, but settles as Merlin licks at the corner of his mouth, and moans when their tongues slide against one another.

Merlin holds himself up as they kiss to make tiny circles with his hips, grinding himself down against Arthur with a frustrating lack of pressure.
Arthur tries to fix this by grabbing onto his hips and pulling them down harder, pressing his aching cock up against Merlin's.

It works for a minute or two, but eventually Merlin pushes at his hands so he can pull back and look down at Arthur, flushed red with his hair everywhere and his lips swollen and slick.

Arthur feels a part of his brain melt and slide down his spine as Merlin smiles crooked and dirty, grinding his hips in a slow, wide circle.


"Mmm?" Another slow flick of Merlin's slim hips.

"Do you think this sofa might be a bit small for this?"

With that, the weight on his lap is gone, and Arthur opens his eyes as Merlin pulls him up from the sofa, marching them to his room.


It takes only seconds to get them both naked and horizontal. Arthur vaguely thinks ‘now I won’t need to pinch myself’ when Merlin straddles him and takes one of his nipples in his mouth, biting gently.

Arthur rests his hands on Merlin's hips, stroking the sharp bones with his thumbs and marvelling at the paleness of his skin. Merlin carries on licking and sucking at his nipples with one hand fisted in Arthur’s hair again.

Arthur groans as he feels Merlin’s teeth again, biting his nipple harder. His hips jerk up as Merlin drags his open mouth up from his chest, licking a wide stripe across a collarbone before eating hot kisses onto his neck.

"Merlin...nng, Merlin..."

Merlin carries on sucking and licking his neck, moaning against his skin and reaching down to move one of Arthur's hands from his hip to his cock.

Arthur grabs it greedily, squeezing and pulling. Merlin groans against Arthur's neck, bucking his hips forward for more. He lays his face on Arthur's chests as his hand scrabbles at the nightstand, reaching for a bottle. Merlin grabs it and hums in satisfaction as he flicks the top open and pours a stream of cool, viscous liquid over Arthur's fingers.

Arthur parts his fingers, letting the oil pool between them before gliding his hand up and twisting his wrist around the head of Merlin's cock. His own erection jerks against his belly when Merlin groans above him, and breathes, "yeah, Arthur... s’good."

He watches Merlin watching him, squeezing possessively as Merlin rocks into his fist, panting. Arthur reaches up a hand to stroke Merlin's cheek, ghosts his fingers over those sharp cheekbones and feels his cock twitch against his belly again.

Merlin mirrors Arthur’s movements, but after a moment he presses his middle finger to Arthur's lips, pressing gently. Arthur keeps his eyes on him as he parts his lips, and Merlin presses in.

He keeps watching as Merlin's hips stutter forward, and his eyes fall half-closed as he watches Arthur sucking his finger. Another surge of arousal tides over him as he watches Merlin moan above him, staring at Arthur's lips as he pushes his finger in, out, in again.

After a moment, he pulls back, and Merlin is kissing him again, hard and hungry as he shifts back, pushing Arthur's legs apart to settle in the vee.

Arthur feels Merlin reach down between them, groans into his mouth when feels Merlin's wet finger sliding behind his balls, stroking softly at his perineum before pressing slowly, firmly into him.

Merlin is panting, lips slack as he looks at Arthur and asks, "feels good?"

Arthur closes his eyes, just nods, afraid he'll fly apart if he can't focus on something specific in the middle of the wave of sensations. He concentrates on Merlin's harsh breathing, and his finger slowly pushing inside, careful and insistent.

"Really good...fuck..." Arthur groans. Merlin groans with him, like he can feel it too, the exquisite pressure pushing inside Arthur.

Arthur forces his eyes open, and winds his fingers through Merlin's hair to pull him close again. Long, slow minutes pass as they kiss with jaws wide and hungry, sliding lip against lip to wallow in the softness, while saliva slicks their chins.
All the while Merlin slides his finger into Arthur over and over, slow and louche, agonisingly unhurried as Arthur grows more impatient.

"More, Merlin...need more." Arthur wants to demand he get on with it, but it feels too good to get properly irritable, so he settles for pleading with his hips instead, arching up into the movement of Merlin's wrist.

Merlin grins down at him, untangling his fingers from Arthur's hair to reach for the bottle of oil again. He leans up a bit so he can pour it into the palm of the hand he has crooked between Arthur's thighs. Merlin watches Arthur's face as he tilts his hand.

The cool liquid slides down his fingers and hits the place where Arthur's body is taking him in, making Merlin shiver and Arthur swear.

Merlin lays back over Arthur, carefully pushing his ring finger in beside the middle, mouthing at Arthur's jaw as he shakes beneath him.

"Wanted this, Arthur. Wanted you... watched you and wanted you."

Arthur wants to yell, I bloody knew it! but just then, Merlin's fingertips graze his prostate and he can only arch his back, pushing himself down to bring that feeling back.

Merlin's still murmuring in his ear, gripping his hair as he fucks Arthur open with his fingers, and Arthur can't help the long moan he lets out as he feels it again.

"Gorgeous, Arthur... fucking gorgeous... wanted you like this, under me...hard, aching, begging for me, wanting me back," Merlin moans into his ear, bucking his hips against Arthur's thigh.

Arthur forces himself to look at Merlin and concentrate and ask "what were you waiting for?" He can't help the groan that breaks his sentence off, Merlin's added a third finger and another dollop of oil, "...are you -ah- are you saying we could've...uhh...been doing this for weeks? months?"

Arthur feels Merlin huff a laugh beneath his ear, "I wasn't sure...I didn't want to risk fucking it all up..."

He wants to scream, and then he nearly does, because Merlin rotates his wrist sharply before flicking it back again.

"Mothering fuck, Merlin... more...want you to tell me..." Arthur wonders why this has never felt so good before. He has a niggling suspicion but it’s swiftly booted out of the way for the time being, along with any other coherent thought, when Merlin shimmies down his body and wraps his lips around Arthur's leaking cock.


Merlin pushes firmly on Arthur's hip to keep him still when he bucks violently into the wet heat and suction of Merlin's mouth. Merlin draws back up and swirls his tongue around the darkened head before bobbing back down.

His other hand is still busy, fingers wet and firm pushing in with practiced flicks of his wrist. He keeps going after he pulls off Arthur's cock with a wet slurp.

Arthur is grinding down on Merlin's hand as he pulls the man back up to his chest.

"Wanted to tell you, Arthur... wanted to wake you up with my mouth, my hand." Arthur is delirious by now, sweating as he clings to Merlin and gasps for more... please... more

Merlin is grinding his own aching prick into Arthur's hip now, whispering in his ear and pushing his fingers inside him.

"I wanted to get on my knees for you... rub my face all over your...uhh...cock, you how badly I want you..."

Merlin brushes against that spot again, and Arthur's orgasm hits him like a punch to the gut, sudden and overwhelming. Merlin holds onto him as he comes down. Fingers still buried deep, he presses his face to Arthur's neck and snaps his hips faster, coming with a gasp all over their hips and bellies and ribs.

Arthur struggles to catch his breath, and shivers when Merlin's fingers slip gently from his body. He feels but doesn't see Merlin wipe his skin clean with a cloth. It's only when Merlin's finished cleaning them off, and pulled the duvet over them both that Arthur's caught his breath enough to mumble.

"I can't believe you didn't say anything."

Merlin huffs a sleepy laugh against Arthur's chest where he lays his head.

"You didn't say anything either."

Arthur rolls his eyes in the dark, not caring that Merlin can't see, "yeah, well I thought you had a boyfriend, didn't I?"

Merlin laughs some more, pinching Arthur's side, "well, don't feel too bad. It's been clear from day one that I'm the brains of this outfit."

Arthur snorts and pulls Merlin closer, nosing his dark hair and falling to sleep before he can think of a comeback.


back to part one

genre: fluff, merlin/arthur, rating: nc-17, 1st time posting, slash

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