Mar 08, 2011 02:03
Sunday was gorgeous.
Having spent six weeks cleaning out scum, muck, general debris and small brown frogs from a pool in Doncaster, I was finally able to slip into the water. Well, I didn't slip so much as tip-toe at an almost literally glacial pace, swallowing filthy swears. It was fucking freezing.
Mum's partner, Simon, hadn't used it in three years, so there was quite a bit of cleaning to be done. He installed a new filter and pump, and fixed a leak in the pipeline too boot.
Anyway, it was amazing. Once I finally got into the water. Mum's old work friend, her husband and their son (whom I met at Simon's place previously) came along for a barbeque (I always want to spell that 'barbequeue') and a splash. Bubby and Dale came down from Bendigo on Friday, so they were there as well, which was nice. Didn't fight with Bubby this time either, which was refreshing. The last bout gave me a black eye and a(n even more)bruised ego.
Just sent a message on FB to a dear and lovely friend. I do hope we can get together soon. Apart from it being wonderfully healing and lovely just being around him, I have some apologies to give, and with a bit of luck, some hugs and tea to get. I need to ask him a favour too. Having lost all my cd's and tapes, I desperately need to get some Smiths, Bowie and Leonard Cohen back in my life. He always makes marvelous mixes. Fingers crossed.
Just about to re-download console. It's been a few years. I used to use their console religously.
Went for another jog today. Added tricep dips, crunches, steps, star jumps and yoga to it. Cardio boost is go!
Cutting down on the fags gradually. Rollies make it easier. Had my first cigarette at one p.m today. Small steps. Things are too uncertain and heart-achingly slow, sluggish and esteem-flattening at the moment, unfortunately.
Watched Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson again tonight. Massive crush. He's pretty adorable, and a little bit sexy in an insane-drunkard kind of way. But he has a schoolboy charm, I think. Hmm.
Things are slooooowly getting better. Like an ambigous Raymond Carver story, with a vaguely hopeful denoument.
Anyway, hope you're all well and beautiful and sticky and pink and fluffy and lovely. xxo
things are slowly getting better