Dec 30, 2005 20:28
Today has to be one of the funnest days ive had in like forever.... i went to zephryhills w/ ashley and met her family.... her grandparents r so awsome.... and her aunt is even more awsomer.... OMG that cat, i think its name is jello, is soooooo freakin awsome.... it reminded me of Ace(the coolest cat ever).... well, ashleys aunt has this really kick ass garden with like some weird type of grapefruit that is about the size of a persons head... her uncle calls them the bulls balls grapefruit... u would have to see them to think its funny.... then we went to dinner at golden corral and we all got stuffed and then that was about it... now im home relaxing and laying down since i had to get up early to leave... it was alot of fun spending time w/ ashley and her family... ooo and also i got to get to know her mom too... shes pretty awsome too... and i found out where ashley gets some of her... talents....