(no subject)

Aug 12, 2008 14:09

So, I do that little 'savings trick' where you put coins away in a separate purse at the end of each day. I went in about a month ago and deposited about $60 in coins. The woman sighed as she looked at them and said "oh, boy." Then, shaking her head, she told me to start sorting the coins into denominations (which I would have done, if I'd had any envelopes). She was pretty rude about it, and I made a mental note to try to avoid her the next time I went in with some coins. This week, I made a small deposit of $13 and $5 of that was gold (most of the rest was 50c pieces). I got the same woman! I didn't even realise it was her until I put the money on the bench and she said "next time, we'd appreciate it if you sorted this into denominations if you're doing a large deposit" ($13 is large?) "as the bank will charge you."

Okay, I get that sorting through coins can be annoying. I also get that the Commonwealth Bank, which I used to use, had a handy coin-sorting machine, so perhaps Suncorp should invest in one of those? Also, she's getting paid to sort through these coins. It's not like I'm knocking on her door at home and demanding she allow me to make a deposit. It seems like just a way for Suncorp to make money off deposits, if you ask me ... which no one did.

Anyway, I said to her "well, I don't have any envelopes" and she thrust about 10 of them at me, so next time I go in, my coins will be neatly organised. Ta. Dah.


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