yo and hello.

Jun 17, 2006 19:17

Head hurts.

Feeling sick.

Still swamped with assessments.

Okay, I lie. I only have two left. But they're still a pain in the arse as far as I'm concerned. Damn Bio. Damn Music Composition.

Other than that, I'm all good.

I've been watching RFR (Radio Free Roscoe) lately (lol shutup Liz), and I swear, it's my kinda show... well music-wise anyways.
It's about these 4 teenagers who take it upon themselves to start an underground radio station, playing some great music that would otherwise not get the exposure that it deserves.
And, well, of course being yet another ABC kids show that I watch (lol), it also features the usual 'formula'. boy and girl - best friends - boy loves girl - girl is about to realise - another boy enters Yeah, the same old, same old. Though, I can't lie and say that I don't like that kinda thing... when I do, that's besides the point, because being a music intensive show, it features pretty much 10 songs an episode. And well, with my strange fixation with finding, lesser known indie bands I've never heard of, it's perfect.

I mean, without RFR, I wouldn't have discovered The Petitt Project.
Which, in my opinion has some pretty catchy tunes, not to mention extremely classic and self mocking lyrics. Aww, it kinda sounds like the poor lead singer, Scott has undergone abit of heart break in relationship woes, in his time.

Ah, sweet music.

Hmm, speaking of music, remember the CaSPA (Catholic Schools Performing Arts) thing, I auditioned for? No? Meh. I'm not surprised. hahaha.
Well, I got into the 'next level'? (if you'd like to call it that), which is a CaSPA Workshop thing, in 2 weeks, at McDonald Collage.

Woot? Yay?

Don't sound too enthusiastic, do I? Maybe it's because my head is killing me. And maybe it's because I'm slightly intimated by the fact that I'll be at this Student Specialist Workshop with all these people I don't know, who are probably musical geniuses or something. And oh yeah, and the little fact that I'll be exposed as the freud that I am!
What have I been telling you? It's all an illusion people, why can't you see that? *runs away*

Okay. Pain. in. head.



tv, caspa, sick, rfr

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