Cricket. Australia. Won.
Enough said.
(But I must say, the last few overs. Phwoar! Now that's what I call cricket!)
I flicked to Channel 7, to the sounds of...
Don't stomp your little last season Prada shoes at me, honey.
Ahh... Classic.
Oh! I love this part...
Emmett: Did you take Mrs. Windham on a date?
Enrique: Yes.
Emmett: Where?
Enrique: A restaurant out of town, where no one would recognize us.
Emmett: How long have you been sleeping with Brooke?
Enrique: Three months.
Emmett: And your boyfriend's name is...
Enrique: Chuck.
Emmett: Right.
[Everyone gasps/laughs]
Enrique: No, I'm sorry. I got confused. I thought you said friend; Chuck is just a friend.
*mwahahaha* "YOU BITCH!" Funny!
OH!!! I had tutor today. Nothing exciting.. Oh, except the fact that... I GOT 5 BUCKS!!! YAY!! I ROCK!! Okay, let me explain...
As part of, I suppose, celebrating Chinese/Vietnamese New Year we were given lolly bags, and one of which contained the lucky 5 dollars. And who was lucky enough to pick the right one, but moi! Yay! I'm never lucky! Ha! Guess it was just my day...
But phwoar! It was scary... everyone looked like they were going to "roll" me, and try and steal my cash-o-la! Nah, only joking. Not everyone, but some did look a bit shifty!
Oh yeah! We had a fortune cookie in our little goodies-bag-thing.
My fortune was:
To love is to risk getting hurt. Not to risk loving is the greatest risk of all.
Aww... how philosophical... *sighs*
OMG! Classic stuff. Henry, got a fortune that was something on the lines of, "You will suffer a great loss, because of your greed." To which, we all PISSED OURSELVES LAUGHING!! But it was soo true - He was one greedy bugger.
Anyhoo... At one stage, Andrew was giving Richard a "starburst" lolly, but Henry decided to steal it. So, Jason give Richard another Starburst lolly (to replace the one that Henry had taken.) Only to find out that, the one that Henry had was a fake-imitation-half-sized version of a Starburst lolly, while Richard got the real deal.
See? "You will suffer a great loss, because of your greed."
OMG! The Fortune. has. spoken!!! *lol*
I finally watched the rest of the Veronica Mars episode I taped on Friday... since the cricket was on, and I went to visit Ellie and what-not...
While I was watching it, I was like... Hmm... that Connor Larkin guy (The 'movie star' dude that was at the poker game) looks very familiar...
Then I figured it out, he was the guy in PASSIONS!!!! *omigosh* Remember? He played that (first) Ethan guy, before they replaced him with the ugly Ethan.
Meh! PASSIONS I hated that show, but I still managed to watch it. What can I say? I couldn't help it. I mean, seriously... ONE NIGHT on that show took flippin' WEEKS, if not months! I seriously, just watched it, willing for all hell to break loose! Like I do with 'The Bold and the Beautiful'! I want them too all go broke and end up as bums! Woot! Now, that would send the ratings skyrocketing!
Ahh yes, I finally read up to the end of Chapter 7 of, Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, as required for class, today. Phwoar man! I swear, there were parts where I had to read it twice, just so I could make sense of it. I mean, some sentences are wayyyyyyy too long, that I'm not suprise if they, as Liz said, were a whole paragraph in themselves. Eek!
But aside from that, so far, it's okay... I don't really mind it.
The other day, I asked my brother what he thought of it, and he said it was really good. Whereas my sister said to just get the movie, much to my surprise, because, well, she's meant to be the sensible one of the family! She's the one who's meant to tell me to actually read the book! Funny thing is, she hasn't even read it herself! HA! She "doesn't read the book, if they have a movie out." O.o Say Wha? I swear. I don't think that was her talking... *shrugs*
Righto, well that's stumps.