Jan 31, 2007 23:22
As I haven't updated in forever, I have no idea what to write that doesn't sound bitchy or whiney.
Life has been crazy, life will be crazy, until at least March 5th
I love my classes this quarter. But I really shouldn't be taking four
I'm stage managing Share, we go into Tech next week.
I'm still trying to make a difference Peer Advising, but have no time
Occasionally I cram in Mondavi stuff
Monday nights for the past three weeks, I've stupidly gone and played Trivia at Bistro and had an awesome time. Paula Dawson is amazing at trivia
I still have one Grad application to do
My Columbia phone interview went well
I have to pay rent tomorrow, and I don't know where my checkbook is.
I'm sitting in the SM office and now am leaving
I'd love to get an email from people. I miss you all