Castle and White Collar make me such a happy fangirl! I could not ask for more! ♥!
This week's Castle was all kinds of amazing! I have to admit I was a little afraid I'd end up feeling disappointed... I mean, there were so many spoilers/teasers released these last two weeks? *laughs!* I was starting to get a little nervous. IDK. I was worried. I was way too excited about this episode - and usually when that happens it ends in disappointment. (Or, well, that's what always happened with Merlin, anyway! xD!)
B-but, I should've known Castle would be different! THIS SHOW JUST CAN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG! FKDJFLKJDLKFJDKLJFKLDJFD!
How awesome was Beckett in this scene? I could simply not love her more... ♥!
The plot was so great! They revealed way more than I expected them to! xD! I mean, A LOT of questions were answered about Joanna's murder b-but at the same time there are new questions now? I like that! (I feel bad for Beckett, though! x'D)
I LOVED Beckett SLAMMING Vulcan Simmons (LOOOOL!) against the mirror AND IT BROKE SO SPECTACULARLY! <33! I know it was meant to be a serious moment and all, b-but I just bet that gave Castle some ideas for his books... *smirk!* ALSO TOTALLY ADORED THE LOOKS CASTLE GAVE SIMMONS DURING THE ENTIRE SCENE.
I really liked how it was Beckett to become a little violent and not Castle? You'd expect a man with Castle's "reputation" to be the one to show off his fierce manly masculinity in order to impress his lady, but we all know Castle's not really like that. He must've been pretty pissed off - but he was still the better man? (I suppose he read the script and saved all his manly tiemz for the end of the episode? x'D)
I love how Beckett invited Castle inside even though she could've (and probably should've?) told him to go back home... I mean, she was crying before he showed up and then still tearing up a little when she opened the door for him? I think S1!Beckett would've pretended to be asleep or something rather than show him any kind of emotion that could be seen as vulnerable. THANK GOD JOSH IS IN AFRICA. *smirk!*
At first, I was all "IEEH! BECKETT ASKED CASTLE TO COME ALONG TO THE MEETING EVEN THOUGH SHE WAS TOLD TO COME ALONE! AND YAY! IT WAS CASTLE - NOT HER MOTORCYCLE BOYFRIEND!" at first... b-but Josh being in Africa kind of ruins it just a little? Still, I bet even if Josh was right there when she got the phone call she'd still have taken Castle along. Ha. (I just totally contradicted myself there, didn't I? O.o;)
AND THE KISS! I still think it looks a little awkward, but it worked? It started out as one thing and then became a whole other thing, you know. *grin!* I'm so glad! I don't think a real-from-the-start!kiss would've worked for Castle and Beckett where they are now in their relationship, and I'd have been disappointed if it was a 100% fake smooch BUT IT WAS NEITHER. I AM SO PLEASED, SHOW. SO PLEASED.
Ooh, I nearly forgot about the last few scenes! Castle beating up The Bad Guy's face and basically being a fantastic side-kick to Beckett was SO MUCH LOVE! Go, Castle! I bet he was saving up all his testosterone for that part... *grin!* (ALSO LOVED THE "THANKS!" AND "ALWAYS" AT THE END.)
OVER ALL? I loooooooooooooooove this show so much! ♥!
Woah, I didn't know I had so much to say about this! xD! I think it'd have been better if I wrote about White Collar instead of Castle because nearly no one here seems interested in Castle at all - b-but I'm stubborn, and I just hope that people seeing me so excited and happy about this show will encourage them to give it a try? PLEASE DO GIVE IT A CHANCE. PLEAAAAAASE.