I can't believe it~!
We've had snow here in Antwerp since last Friday and it's stuck around for an entire week... at first it looked like it was going to start melting yesterday, b-but it snowed a bit more during the night! xDD! Considering I live in the middle of the city it's really amazing how long the snow has been here? O.o;
It looks like this Christmas is going to be the best ever! ♥! *laughs!*
Well, if you ignore the part where I'm starting to doubt I'll be able to go out for dinner tonight - because I've been really sick since Monday. *pouts!* That's mostly why I haven't broken my hiatus yet. I'm feeling a lot better emotionally, b-but I still don't feel up to posting or chatting on MSN because I feel so craptacular. It's ruining all my plans for the holidays. >__>! (
kyrosis! I asked my mother to send out the OP for me - it should be there soon if she hasn't forgotten! xD! I'll poke her about it when she gets home from work this afternoon... and
cecemelchan should find something in her mailbox soon, too! Ooh, and,
aefallen! I've been checking my Etsy Conversations every day, but there's no progress update yet - boo! I wanted it to be ready for Christmas... T__T! B-but, I'll e-mail you as soon as I get some pictures from the seller. PROMISE. I didn't forget you, haha.)
ANYWAY! IT'S STILL GOING TO BE THE VERY BEST CHRISTMAS EVER! There are soooooo many presents underneath our Christmas tree this year! Mostly thanks to the Secret Santa Meet-Up the
merlin_be girls had last weekend and the gift-swapping
saltje and
hildekitten and I did the week before and also
eagleeyes84 who sent me a gigantic green envelope - and my mother won't let me open it until this evening! FKLJDFDKFJDLKFJDKJKJFDF! xD!
pirate_pooch is actually getting the largest amount of presents this year. I can't say I'm surprised... He's very easy to shop for. ;)