Where have I been?

Sep 11, 2005 17:56

Heh. Haven't updated in ages, no? Okay, where to start from...

Um, my friend got attacked on Labor Day while we were having a movie party in my house's lounge. He saw someone suspicious across the quad, left to go check on a friend who lived in that building (since the guy was messing with her bike), and ended up getting pushed into the door. Which knocked him out. Which meant I spent time in the ER until about 4 or 5 in the morning with other RHAers.
And then we had to get back to training. And lots of it. And our Week of Welcome programs.
Then, since my friend went home after going slightly nuts (he called me, was totally out of it, then went wonky; the next day, he went home to his family to take it easy), I had to take his spot on some WoW programs and help pick out 4 new Reps at Large. That was horrible. We had the 4 picked out, then my other board members backed out of taking this one amazing guy, because he "micromanaged." So, he got kicked, but the next day after Jared (the President of RHA) had spoken to the ARD of FSSP, the guy became a wonderful choice while the woman who replaced him hadn't really done anything. Huh. Imagine that. I was right.

Oh, and then came the 'fun stuff.' Diversity training. Or rather, "Cross-Cultural Communication." Two days of talking about oppression. Stepping across lines as either a target or a non-target, getting all weepy and stuff. So, it went on Friday...and Saturday. Yes, that's right, folks. I didn't get a Saturday. Oh, and I didn't get to go to the movies with my friends, because most of them backed out right before it was time.

But the good thing is is that I'm on top of my programs. Everything's pretty organized, and I just need the money to finish it off. Oh, and the guy who I talked to for the ocean kayaking has a great voice. And he was all nice and flirty. No, I'm not imagining it, thank you very much.

"(^o^)" <----Kirby give'n you 'Peace!'
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