Oct 26, 2008 21:28
ok, so i should have decided this long ago-but im quitting aviation to give acting a try
im going to quit this great southern land and move to LA, i already have an agency willing to take my inexperienced ass...
...j/k so not doing that but feelin a little out of sorts
have decided im giving up on this math subject
30 units in my final semester+brokend ankle=wtf was i thinking! so going to drop that and try concentrate on flyingy stuff...soooooo what does this mean?
well...looking at possibilities that ill be back in syd for another yr to finish it and 2 general education subjects nxt yr 2nd semester
so that will add nicely to my massive debt and crappy looking uni results
i still have my seminole endorsement to do, instrument rating, 3 atpl subjects full of evilness and my elective (which may go back to research project-whyyyyy cruel world!?)
so its all manageable shit...but i dont like it...no i dont...never did...my language has been murdered....my shopping trolley murdered...my groceries just gone....