Title: Ginger Snaps (Part Two)
little_ozzo (Jules)
Word Count: 16,750+ (in total)
Rating: PG-13
Category: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Drama, Romance
Genre: Slash
Pairing: Gibbs/DiNozzo, Gibbs/Shannon (peripherally)
Summary: Five times Gibbs and DiNozzo meet pre-series.
Spoilers: Pre-series, but mentions and interprets all back story given for Gibbs and Tony
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A couple teeny tiny language picks: Trainers would be sneakers, "in hospital" would be "in the hospital", and "at university" would more likely be "go to school/college." The only other thing I found a little jarring was the "he's not got" in the second part. Most Americans tend to use the "hasn't/haven't/hadn't" construction instead of the "he's not/we've not/we'd not." No idea why.
The amount of research that must have gone into this really shows, though, and not just in the picture of the note. The attention to detail is obvious in the way everything fits together seamlessly throughout the story. You actually made the beginning scene with Gibbs and his father feel like 1970s Pennsylvania, which is pretty awesome.
Off to edit - there's quite a few Britishisms I totally wouldn't have noticed that have been picked up on, so thank you for those!
And thanks, I'm really glad you enjoyed it, and that it came across as at least vaguely authentic! :-D
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