Beware! Tony-centric rambling, ravings, swoonings and squeeings behind the cut, along with 27 poorly cut and coloured caps!
tejas, I swear I'm totally re-writing as well. I just got distracted by Tony's nose and hair. Again. ;-)
7x05 - Code of Conduct )
I should rewatch the season (I'll add it to my ever growing list of thing to do after exams) from start to finish in order and maybe I'll enjoy it more the second time around. I like what they are doing with Tony this season and that is a major part of me enjoying the show, but I am disappointed with certain aspects of it still. So you are basically saying that you don't want them to drop the Tony breakdown issue without any addressing it again this season? If so I completely agree with you. if they completely ignore the whole issue this season I will be very annoyed. As someone who has come almost as close as Tony to suffering a breakdown, I know it is not something you get over easily or just magically disappears as much as you want it to. But then again Tony is someone who likes to bury/ignore the past and reinvent himself and get on with the current so maybe it is realistic to not see any lingering affects. But I still think it gets to point where you can't shake off the past and it's emotional effects completely and I think Tony is well and truely at that point.
That's ok, I'm not so bad at the moment. I've had the last couple of evenings to myself after being out all weekend from 8am to 6pm both days at a conference, but early nights aren't really possible when your brain refuses to let you sleep. :-) Friday's interview was fairly promising but who knows what will happen. :-)
Watching from a POV entirely based on my theory that Tony is barely coping has really made it a lot more enjoyable and interesting - although a little less fun, too, in that it’s quite disturbing how very fucked up his behaviour is when viewed like that! Well done, you managed to sum up what I couldn’t say in ten sentences in just one - yeah, I want them to acknowledge whatever’s going on with Tony in some way so I at least know that my theory that he was screwed up all the way through S6 was either somewhat on target, or completely wrong. Just something. I’d agree with both points, I think; if Tony did come as close to having a breakdown as I think he did between S5 and S6, then despite his seeming ability to push on with life, there has to be some fallout from that. In S6, there wasn’t really fallout, just a display of Tony doing what he could to ignore what was going on with himself. I have no idea what they’re going to do with Tony in S7 yet, though, whether they’re going to have him actually succumb to some kind of emotional fallout, or whether the very brief show of numbness and revival we saw in the premiere is going to be all we get. (I hope not.)
Glad your interview felt good on Friday! Fingers crossed for you, though I’m sure you don’t actually need the luck and will get there entirely on your own merit! I’m very lucky to rarely suffer from insomnia, my late nights are entirely a result of my own lack of willpower to make myself go to bed and sleep at sensible times! When will the exams all be over?
So far the only emotional fallout has been in the season opener which concerns me. I would have expected a little more by now if they were going down that road. Then again maybe because things have calmed down a little he is able to get back on track and we won't see anything until something else major comes along.
Thanks, but I do need all the luck I can get! *g* I'm not normally this bad, usually I'll fall asleep at around 12:30-1am but I have no idea why I'm having so much trouble at the moment. Maybe it's an unconcious attempt to sabotage myself (it's been known to happen) or maybe it's just the heat. I had my first exam today and the final one will be on the 16th of November. Can't wait!
I have absolutely no idea what the writers are going to do, if they're working up to something, or if the vague, brief emotional fallout we've had so far is all we're going to get. At the moment, Tony seems to be doing things okay - he's dealing with extra responsibility quite well, is making a lot of fun jokes but not going too overboard, and is interacting well with his teammates. That's how it is to my eye, obviously, YMMV. But there's a sense that something is going on behind what we're being shown, or maybe that's just my feeling that we haven't had things explained coming into play. I'm not certain of what the characters are feeling, so again, I'm projecting and coming up with subjective theories! *sigh* What I would like to see is Tony getting involved in a particularly brutal case, and maybe losing it a little over that, or revealing some of the things he's hiding because of it, but I have a feeling that might only happen in my daydreams or in fic.
Heat is hard to fall asleep with. Currently, over here, it's not overly cold but last night was getting there, and I hate having cold feet during the night! Well, you clearly have quite a lot going on at the moment, exams and job apps, but at least one of those things will be over in a fortnight - I hope you don't have to wait ages for results!
I can't live without my electric blanket in winter and it doesn't get nearly as cold as I imagine it would where you are. I don't know how you put up with it, I can't stand being cold. But at the same time I don't cope well with it being really hot. I'm very hard to please. *g*
Exam results come out in the first week on December so it's not too long a wait.
LOL, I was really surprised to get the news that his dad would be in this season - I wonder if he's the "angry father" that was mentioned in an interview?! I have my fingers, toes, and everything else possible crossed for some kind of emotional fallout. All I can do is wait, obviously, to see what they're going to do, but I have to admit I am hoping that they don't make him into just a nice guy who has just made some msitakes after his wife's death (I hope we get more info on that, too) and too much to drink. I want some payoff for all the angst Tony has hinted or accidentally let slip regarding his past, I don't want his dad's neglect of him to be written off! I'm already half terrified and half excited.
I'm awful when it's too hot, but I'm not sure the way I deal with the cold over here (it's about 5 degrees here today, but that's still okay, LOL) could be called coping or dealing; I just moan a lot and wear about a thousand layers! I'm a little bit scared of electric blankets, but only because my dad once set one on fire and threw it into the neighbour's garden, causing havoc. He was a lot younger and stupider then, but the story has stuck with me!
Not too bad then - I can't believe it's only 2 months to Christmas/other festive holidays already. Eek!
He could be the "angry father". It would be good if he is as it would keep in with our current perceptions of him. I'm not overly fussed as to how they portray him just as long as they do it so well that I don't care if I had the wrong idea about him. They shouldn't ignore what we have learnt previously but if they do it by just having made mistakes in the past, then I'll be fine with that even though it's not currently how I view him.
The lowest it gets here is about 10-15C in winter during the day. Melbourne is famous for it's flucating weather so it can be 35C one day and 20C the next. I've never had a problem with my blanket and in winter it's pretty much on 24/7!
I'm going to take some deep breaths and try to relax and just wait until January, because I'm sure my speculation will spiral way out of control otherwise! I think that's the ebst way to look at it, though, to jsut hope that whatever angle they go for, they do it well. But I will still keep my figners secretly crossed for a load of Tony angst, even if they don't actually reveal that much.
I shall mention that to my father, who has yet to turn the central heating on! I'm on top of a hill, just far enough from the sea that we get awesome, deep snow, and it's fairly often icy and freezing! If it hits anywhere between 20 and 25 over here, people walk around topless, it's like a heatwave!
Yeah, I'm going to have to try and forget about it otherwise the wait until January will drive me crazy! The one good sign is that Tony centric episodes have a history of being filled with angst, so I'm sure we'll get some this time.
From Melbourne it's around 4hrs to the snow but I used to live about an hour away from the Australian snow fields which are generally the only places that it snows on a yearly basis. Very rarely it will snow in some of the surrending hills of Melbourne but that almost never happens. Today it was 20 and I've got the electric blanket on and have put on my winter pjs after wearing just a singlet top to bed the last few nights.
It's true, and hopefully they'll keep whatever storyline they do go for in keeping with what's been hinted at and said before. I do wonder if they'd been kind of holding out to see if they could get RW, in which case some kind of story might have been in the works for a while and there's definitely potential for angst if that's the case.
Snow fields? That sounds very cool. Well, to be fair, your 20C is probably, in like, all year weather conditions, comparable to our freezing temperatures! Last year the coldest we got was -12C. Now, I tend to live in jammies and a hoodie anyway, but when winter truly hits I usually double up on socks and tops underneath my giant hoodie, and I sleep in about two to three layers, in a sleeping bag, under my thick duvet. And I'm considered to be quite a wimp. Mmm, this chat is making me feel cozy, but also long for my PJs. ;-) (I should mention I'm actually really far south in Scotland, too, hardly Arctic!)
Quite possibly, I don't imagine he would be the sort of actor you can get last minute.
It's basically just the mountains high enough to get snow in winter and where people going skiing. We were the opposite, having extreme heat last summer with 40+ days. Luckily I was in New Zealand through the worst of it. You are obviously living in the wrong country. But I don't really recommend moving to Melbourne unless you are able to put with 4 seasons in one day. *g*
He certainly seems like he'd be in demand, and he's quite a bit older than I thought! I didn't realise, from what you were saying over in the no_tiva comm, that he was portrayed in quite such a negative light in the film. But like you say, he mustn't feel too strongly against MW particualrly for that, or I doubt he'd have signed on.
LOL, it's definitely a bit colder than I'd like, and we've just had flash floods! But I don't know, for some reason the rain and cold and general Britishness of the weather has grown on me (possibly due in aprt to my serious affection for hoddies and jammies), and I love how hilariously red we all get whenever we go anywhere warm! But I didn't actually realise there were places to ski in Australia, that's very cool!
It's not as bad as the biograhy that it was based on but there is enough to cast doubt over him if you didn't bother to investigate further. That's one of the reason's I really want to read his autobiograhy to get his take on the events. The movie did make me hate Christopher Walken who was also there that night, even more than I already did.
I would actually like to live in England for a couple of years. But I think anymore than that, the weather would drive me crazy. It's not up to European standards but for part time skiers and families it's not too bad. But there are still a lot of people in Australia who have never seen snow, as it pretty much only snows in Victoria and parts of sourthern New South Wales.
I have no strong feelings either way on Christopher Walken, but I am feeling more and more that I need to see this movie! I knew he was on the yacht too, but didn't know too many details. MW seems fairly cool about the whole thing, if you've seen his chat transcript! Going to be very interesting. I think I'm a bit sleepy at the moment, I've calmed down a lot after the initial excitement - I may make it through the next two months after all!
There are a lot of people from Greece and Spain on my course, and they are already totally over our weather and having to wear a million layers, LOL! It's not great. Our snow is great! But it turns to mucky slush awfully quickly.
Our snow is very icy and hard, which makes it very bad for making snowballs and snowmen.
Ice in your eyes is not a good plan! Although I bizarrely prefer harder snow to ski on, mostly because I always lose stuff in powder - skis, gloves, poles, ability!
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