There are many things I should be doing right now, including writing up my learning journal from last week's uni class, and also general work, seeing as how I am in the office and all.
But, NCIS is on in America tonight, and I really should put down some thoughts about the premiere of a week ago because otherwise I'll get all wrapped up in the
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Yes, totally, he kind of plays a dual role in the team - vaguely irritating older brother who will take charge when he needs to, but is also perfectly happy to play beta to Gibbs' alpha - and he really is happy to do that - but also willing to step up and ... not quite be the mother, but at least be the slightly more accessible parent, who always has band-aids ready and knows where everything is. I'm convinced he does Gibbs' filing for him.
Ooh, Tony having a new team! I haven't quite decided where I fall on that, but I think if I had to pick, I'd be on your side - not really liking him having a new team unless it's done very well. I think it can be done well, and I've seen quite a bit of discussion in fandom over whether Tony should have his own team, because he's good enough at his job that really, it makes sense for him to get a new team and prove himself as a leader, not just a 2IC. I'd agree that he's proved how good he is, and I think he'd handle a new team very well, and it's also a neat way to bypass Rule #12 for ship reasons! ;-)
But. What I love most about NCIS is the family dynamic, and so whenever the team aren't working as a team, it makes me feel weird. Plus, Tony turned down the offer of his own team, and I've got to think about the reasons he did that - yeah, he was worried about Gibbs, and I sometimes wonder if part of the reason Gibbs still functions with the rest of the team is because Tony's there to help him. And I think Tony's loyalty to Gibbs is unquestionable, as is his loyalty to his team. What I do think is questionable is his loyalty to NCIS. I don't think, for Tony, it's ever mattered what organisation he's worked for, but rather who he considers his boss. He doesn't consider Vance his boss, and he never really considered Jenny his boss either, I don't think, even during the Jeanne undercover op. Gibbs is his boss/mentor/partner and more. So for him to leave Gibbs - that's huge! Like you say, he can be the leader, it's just that he prefers it when Gibbs does it, because he trusts him and wants him there. The only way he'll become leader of the team - our team, not another team, because to Tony's mind I think that would feel a little like betraying them, given his behaviour in Shalom and Escaped - is if Gibbs retires/dies. And Gibbs is superhuman, so that's going to be a long time coming. ;-)
I love the idea of Tony being the older brother. Cause I have them and I know for a fact that if someone was picking on me or etc I wouldn't got o my daddy(who is the most awesome ever)[read the Gibbs] I'd go to them and they take care of it.
That is totally Tony to me. I wish there was fic where Abby needed Tony to take care of somebody, and Kate found out and Abby had to explain that.
Older brothers are half parent/halfJERK. But no matter what they fight to the death for you, they teach you things without making you feel stupid cause that's they're job. That's where my love of Tony+McGee friendship stems from. -happy sigh-
I totally think Tony deserves his own team, I just don't think he wants a new team. When he takes over for Gibbs, hes still basically DiNozzo-Senior Field Agent, just a really stressed out senior field agent.
never really considered Jenny his boss either, I don't think, even during the Jeanne undercover op
I love that. I agree completely. When he tells her he had to lie to Gibbs, hes all unsure and pissed at the same time. Cause he doesn't consider his loyalty to her, he just has to follow orders.
I'm an only child, so that's interesting to read! He is very much the big brother, and I love that: half parent, half jerk!
Yeah, the moments they've shown him being in charge, he always seems really stressed out by it. He seems a little more relaxed in some parts of Shalom and Escaped, but the strain definitely doesn't sit too happily with him. And I've never thought he needed to be needed the way Gibbs does, either. But, I do still think he'd be a great team leader. I just don't think he'd want another team. And I'm not that convinced, right now, that McGee wouldn't follow him, if he went.
He's just so very distressed at having to lie to Gibbs, and she actually calls him on who he calls his boss more than once - like in Hiatus. I think he respected Jenny, and recognised her authority, but Gibbs' would always override hers. And then I get to the question of just why he accepted that undercover op in the first place - and my brain is a bit overtaxed at the moment, saving you more inane chatter! ;-)
I always half on the fence with Jenny, sometimes I like her, and all her little "I know things you you dont want dinozzo to know gibbs" and then her other side of being....weird....
Either way! My friend and I came up with an Evil!Jeny idea, where she basicly tells Tony undercover, or no more team. and Then theres the nice Jenny version, he just took it because he was asked by his boss, and it made him feel wanted.
I'm kind of on the fence with Jenny too, although I think I mostly fall on the side of liking her - although I have a tendency to kind of like everyone, or at least pay so much attention to Tony and not to them that I have few feeligns on the subject! I'm a very lazy viewer, except when it comes to the hottest guys. Shallow, I know! I thought she could be quite cool, and funny, and she was so pretty, but I didn't always like her slow voiced delivery. I didn't mind her past with Gibbs, but she wasn't my favourite person ever. And I have to admit, people probably have very good arguments about her being useless at her job, she seemed to take an awful lot of risks and was a mess over the Grenouille mission - although I liked that she was invovled way over her head, it was interesting!
Ooh, I hadn't thought about an evil!Jenny option, that's cool!
Yeah, I don't know, when they first arrived they were all secret history blah blah, Ziva saving Jenny's life in the past, but then we rarely got to see them interacting that much - and Ziva wasn't overly upset when she died. Maybe it was a response to viewers at the time, because both characters seemed to face a bit of a negative backlash, so maybe they decided not to make their friendship so prominent? I don't know. Untapped potential, though.
I was disappointed that they never elaborated on the Ziva+Jenny friendship.
As for Ziva not being really sad, Evil!Jenny comes tgo mind. Like Ziva was mad at her or ....something over the whole thing with poor Tony and she lost her faith in Jenny...maybe. I paid more attn. to Tony.
And as for apying more attention to Tony: word. I actually have to remind myself, sometimes, to watch what else is going on in a scene. He's very eye-catching. ;-)
And then there's my own personal fanon that Tony really likes and craves physical contact, because he was denied it as a child or it was only given to him in a negative way, and so a headslap from Gibbs, who means so much to him (slashy or father/son or mentor POV) doesn't confuse him too much. He wouldn't know what to do with too many hair ruffles etc, but a slap manages to be both affectionate and a kind of warning to sharpen up.
I read once, That Gibbs finds out that Tony was abused and he stopped slapping him epside the head ebcause he was afraid Tony was just letting him because of the "father" thing. But then Tony went into great detail about how he was never afraid of Gibbs hurting him, or abusing him in any way cause Gibbs was a good guy. Or something like that.
It was awesomly sweet.
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